Chapter 6- Hell Hath No Fury

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Disclaimer- I only own the plot and my OC

The Mikaelson's watched in stunned silence as Roxanne casually took a sip of the champagne she grabbed from a passing waiter. This girl really was something else entirely to have the guts to approach all five Originals and insult the most invincible and the more dangerous one without a second thought was remarkable...and highly amusing especially to Kol who burst out laughing moments later.

His laughter seemed to break whatever trance his siblings were in however Klaus was still reeling with disbelief as he stared wide eyed at the girl in front of him. How dare she, how dare she walk into his home and insult him, especially in front of his family. He was the hybrid! Klaus's eyes narrowed on the girl in red, in that moment it was as if he was a bull and Roxanne was his target, he took a threatening step forward.

The rest of the Original siblings noticed the change in their half-brother but they didn't interfere. Instead they watched in silence as Klaus stalked towards Roxanne, who simply held his gaze and finished her, none of them could detect the slightest hint of fear from her which surprised them all greatly.

"How dare you-"

She interrupted "Oh I dare"

"Come into my home and-" once again she interrupted Klaus

"And what? Huh? Make a statement? Nothing in that statement was not true. According to what I've been told you are a bastard, in all tense and purposes of the word. You are a 'hybrid' hence the puppy with fangs oh and let's not forget the fact that you did kill my aunt!" Roxanne's glare increased as she finished her sentence.

Klaus was completely baffled by this girl, he had never in his entire existence met anyone like her. The other Mikaelson's all shared similar thoughts as they stared at Roxanne in amazement. Kol was trying so hard to hold his laughter in but the expression on Klaus's face broke the dam; Rebekah followed suit, the two of them were leaning against each other trying to keep their balance. Finn just watched Roxanne with an expression that could only be classed as interest whilst Elijah was wearing a mixture of admiration, wariness and humour. If anyone had of looked closer, they would have seen a slight spark of something that no one had seen in Elijah's eyes since he was human.

The sound of smashing brought everyone's attention to the confrontation. Gasps could be heard around the room as people took notice of the blood now dripping down the side of Klaus head and Roxanne's smug yet angry look, it was clear what had happened when Elijah noticed how the champagne glass that Roxanne was holding was now in shattered pieces on the floor, not to mention the smell of Roxanne's blood filled his senses. Apparently Roxanne had smashed the glass into his brother's head injuring both of them in the process. He tensed waiting for Klaus's reaction, waiting for him to attack her; but it didn't happen. Klaus just stood there.

"Go ahead. Do your worst." Roxanne was playing with fire but she was too mad to care right now

Klaus took a deep breath, took a napkin from the closest table to clean the blood from his head before he turned back to where Roxanne still stood however, she was no longer alone. Her siblings, the Salvatore's and Caroline flanked behind her, not that she noticed nor cared as she was solely focused on Klaus.

He smirked "Are you sure that you're a Gilbert? You certainly don't act like one. come to think of it I don't believe that anyone ever mention there being another Gilbert"

She returned his smirk "Yeah and this one won't stand for any of your sacrificial shit"

"You have guts I'll give you that"

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