Chapter 13- An Unlikely Friend

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Chapter 13- An Unlikely Friend

Disclaimer has not changed, I only own my OC and the plot changes.

The inspiration for this chapter came from one of the comments...It's quite a sincere chapter. Hope you like it :)

That's how Jeremy and the Scooby gang found the eldest Gilbert later that day, lounging around the once destroyed living room having drinks with the Original family, sharing laughs and stories.

"...but that was when we were still human" Elijah's voice was the first one they heard when they stepped in the house, frowning in confusion and caution they slowly followed the direction of the voices and laughter.

"I'm sure you have hundreds of stories of what you got up to as a child" Kol voice teased

"What makes you think I was a bad child...I could've been good" Roxanne pretended to be offended before giving up when the laughter started back up, clearly no one believed her "Yeah ok, so maybe I was the bad child...God I was a right terror" She laughed reminiscing.

"I remember one time, I was nine and I had to be an angel in the school Christmas play" She kicked Kol when she heard him scoff a laugh "Anyway all the way through the whole thing the girl next to me kept on stepping on my foot and bashing into me when we swayed" Her eyes glazed over slightly as she remembered what happened "So just at the end, when all the parents stood up to give us a round of applause, the angels all stood there, in a row, with our hands together like we were praying. I turned to the girl, waited until she turned to look at me and then..."

Roxanne had the decency to look a little sheepish however that didn't hide the fact that she was grinning like mad "...I punched her in the face." The brunette shrugged, still grinning as the Mikaelson's laughter bellowed throughout the room

"Oh come on it's not that funny" She grumbled when the laughter didn't end but that didn't stop her from chuckling along with them

"Y-you we-were an Angel" Kol choked out, swiping his eyes

"That's really tickled you hasn't it?" The eldest Gilbert's question with rhetorical and filled with mirth

"What happened after you clocked her?" Klaus spoke up for once a wide genuine smile covered his mouth instead of his trademark smirk

Roxanne rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled slightly "I returned to my original position, smiling...that is until the teachers grabbed me off of the stage"

The laughter returned stronger than last time and more drinks were poured as the Gilbert and Mikaelson's continued to share hilarious stories from their pasts. None of them had noticed the flabbergasted group standing in the doorway with the eyes wide and mouths open, clearly disbelieving of what they were witnessing, of how normal the scene looked compared to their past encounters with the first vampire family.

Elena felt twitchy at seeing her older sister casually lounging on the floor with the legs carelessly thrown over the hybrids lap, it was like watching the older brunette swim in a tank of vicious sharks. Whilst the youngest Gilbert stood there silently chuckling with them, remembering each memory Roxanne spoke about.

"When we were human that bastard over there once cut off all of my hair just because I pushed him into the river" The blonde Mikaelson glared at the youngest male Mikaelson who grinned proudly and tipped his glass of bourbon in a mocking cheers.

Roxanne laughed imagining what the female Originals reaction would have been before leaning over to give Kol a subtle high five.

Elena stepped forward almost timidly, the Salvatore brothers inched closer as well "Um, Roxy? What the hell is going on here?"

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