Chapter 9- Never Cock Block You Older Sister

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Chapter 9- Never cock block your older sister

Disclaimer is the same as every other chapter.

Thank you everyone who reviewed the last chapter! I seriously love reading everything you say. And another thank you to everyone who suggested some ship names for Roxanne and the end of this chapter will be a list of those suggestions.

Jeremy didn't know what to expect when he opened the front door, looking for his oldest sister, but seeing her in kissing distance with the oldest Mikaelson certainly didn't come close. He wasn't sure exactly how he felt about the compromising position he'd just caught her in however, what he did know he felt was protective.

Elijah couldn't stop the disappointment from welling up inside him, he'd been so close to tasting his obsession, that's why he didn't move away when the door opened. Instead he closed his eyes and sighed in resignation and tried to resist the urge to rip the head off of whoever opened the door, that is until he realised it was the youngest Gilbert. Elijah knew that he would win no favours if he harmed her brother, he'd witnessed how close the two were and didn't want to risk her wrath.

Jeremy leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed and one of Roxanne's dangerous smirks "Am I interrupting something?"

The question was rhetorical and neither Elijah nor Jeremy wanted an answer however that didn't stop them from both hearing Roxanne mumbling under her breath "Cock block" before she spoke up louder

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Roxanne still hadn't moved from her earlier position and instead just looked over Elijah's shoulder to glare at her brother, sure she loved him to pieces but just not right now.

"No why? Want to be alone to play some nookie with Elijah" His smirk widens as Elijah stiffens

"You bitch" Roxanne couldn't help but sneer although part of her felt more than proud at her brother's guts, any other time she'd probably give him a high five; when his sass wasn't directed at her that is.

A few seconds later Jeremy decided to leave but not before having the last say "Don't forget to wear protection"

Elijah shot up out of his seat at vampire speed whilst Roxanne took of her boot at hurled it at her brother, calling him every name she could think of. Jeremy dodged out of the way just in time before her boot could smack him in the face, he slammed the door, sniggering before practically skipping back upstairs, laughing as his went.

"I'm gonna smother that little bitch in his sleep, I swear" She muttered, taking a deep breath before turning to the Original

No one spoke for a long time until Elijah broke the silence, a thoughtful half smile on his lips "It's remarkable how alike you two are"

"Oh yep, he's my pride and joy" Roxanne joked

They shared a chuckle at that.

"It's surprising, I don't recall seeing him act that way in our past encounters"

"Let me guess...he was quiet and serious and more of a background character that nobody really paid attention to" She scoffed, slightly bitter "Yeah...blame Elena for that...I do"

"How so?"

She took a deep breath before starting "Growing up, Elena was always our parent's favourite, not that either of us really cared because it meant that we relied on each other, it's how we got close. but then Elena got used to it and became over bearing, controlling, you get the gist" She trailed off smirking slightly "But unlike me, who didn't bow down to her every whim and demand, Jer retreated within himself, he became rebellious and withdrawn which just got Elena on his back more" Roxanne shook her head, looking out beyond the porch and smiled, almost wistfully.

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