Chapter 20 - Anti-Climax

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Chapter 20- Anti-climax


Disclaimer- Once again I only own Roxanne, Nate, any plot changes and speech

Roxanne struggled to keep a straight face at the flabbergasted, gaping like a fish out of water expressions the vampires in the room wore. It was comical how their jaws dropped, and their eyes bulged almost simultaneously.

"That's impossible"

"No more impossible than a thousand-year-old hybrid that survives on blood and turns into a giant dog at will"

Jeremy tilted his head and nodded at his sister's logic and it seems that he wasn't the only one. Everyone, minus Klaus, looked like they were contemplating her words. The hybrid on the other hand was glaring at Roxy.



"It's a wolf. I turn into a wolf not a dog, a wolf!" He growled, frustrated with the lack of recognition the brunette had for him.

"What does it matter... you still end up on all fours, covered in fur, licking your own balls" She grinned as multiple people choked, spluttered or just out right laughed at her retort.

Before his brother could act on the murderous thoughts that were clearly circulating through his mind, judging from the dark expression, the oldest Mikaelson spoke up. "You're deflecting"

She turned to face him with wide innocent eyes and a smile, "Whatever do you mean?"

"You are trying to turn the attention away from your little revelation" Roxy's response was to look around and whistle as she sunk deeper in the sofa.

The hybrid frowned at his brothers' statement, it annoyed him greatly that he hadn't managed to figure out her little ploy himself. Especially since it was so obvious judging from the victorious glint in the eldest Gilbert's' eyes as she smiled in his direction, obviously catching the drift of his thoughts. The rest of the Mikaelson clan, along with Finn's lover, Jeremy and Nate, watched as last of the Hybrid's control snapped like an overused elastic band. Their respect for the brunette rose when she didn't so much as blink or flinch when Klaus flashed in front of her.

"Don't play with me. Tell me what you are!" He roared, his face inches away from her own

The group watched with baited breath for the brunette's reaction. Jeremy tightened his grip on his sister as Nate stiffened in alarm, ready to defend his best friend whilst the two eldest Mikaelson's tensed with worry in contrast with their two youngest siblings' who watched with childlike anticipation. Out of all the possible ways in which they believed she would react, nothing prepared them for the actual moment.

Roxy slowly brought a hand to her face and wiped under her right eye in an exaggerated manner "Say it don't spray it, dog breath"

If he was anything lesser than the Original Hybrid, he surely would have fallen over in his shocked state. However, with an ego as big as his, Klaus simply stumbled away as he spluttered whilst gapping like a fish out of water. He was so stunned as he stared at the brunette that he didn't notice the laughter and mockery coming from those who witnessed the exchange, or more prominent, his reaction.

It never got old for the Mikaelson's to watch someone else have the upper hand against their brother using just their words, especially when it was a certain feisty older Gilbert female... yes, it was marvellous sight to behold indeed.

Roxy's teasing expression turned sincere with a knowing hint at the hybrid's stunned yet disheartened one. It was clear to the brunette that the immortal in front of her felt inadequate. An unwanted burden that served as a constant reminder of his mother's infidelity, especially around his siblings, despite the façade of being the heartless, cruel Original that embraced his differences. Knowing that he wasn't one for pity, the oldest Gilbert offered an olive branch so to speak. As Nate seemed to constantly tell her... she was far more empathetic than she let on

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