Chapter 17- End of The Line

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Chapter 17- End Of The Line

I am so so so so so sorry for being AWOL for almost three months now but I've just been a little frazzled with assignments and then there's the writer's block but that's no excuse. I've tried to make this chapter extra-long and full of important information. I AM NOT STOPPING THIS STORY and I will TRY to update every weekend but that might not always be possible (Until April time when I finish my First year of uni)

Warning- mentions of blood and violence

I hope you enjoy the update... I am apologising in advance but I'll go into detail at the end.

The latest doppelganger was stood staring at the thick wooden door that seemed to taunt and loom over her as tears blurred her vision. Her mouth dropped opened with a quiet pained gasp that seemed to resound around the room louder than originated. Nobody moved or spoke for an unmeasurable amount of time, it appeared that they were all in a state of disbelief and shock at what had occurred. Even the usual sarcastic flippant oldest Salvatore brother was rather solemn at the moment; whilst Stefan was waging an internal battle as to whether or not he should wrap the girl he loves in a comforting hug or remain emotionless and stoic to her distress and obvious pain.

Damon purses his lips and furrows his brow "Did that really just happen?" He murmurs, his tone uncharacteristically soft without his usual sarcastic bite

Stefan didn't answer his older brother verbally instead the broody Salvatore just gave his raven-haired sibling a stern look along with a quick subtly shake of his head before glancing back at the distraught doppelganger. A concerned expression replaced his stern one as he stepped closer, clearly his urge to comfort her won out.

"Elena?" He questioned, almost hesitantly as though he believed she would crumble with something as tiny as the wind changing directions.

Apparently just speaking her name was enough to break the dam and release the flood of tears that had been building up since the door slammed shut. She spun around to face the brother but seeing the looks of disbelief and sympathy on both of their faces caused a broken sob to burst from her lips as tears began to run down her face. Both Salvatore's were quick to make their way over to the heartbroken doppelganger in order to comfort the girl they both loved.


The youngest Gilbert was pacing frantically, trying to come up with any possibilities as to where his oldest sister could be and what could've happened to her however, his mind was too frazzled to come up with anything. The words he spat at Elena still circled around in his head but any regret he felt was greatly outweighed by the reminder of how quickly she'd given up on their older sister. A part of him wanted to find Roxanne is the worst possible condition just to say an 'I told you so' to the doppelganger however, disgust and shame automatically came crashing down on the boy for even entertaining the thought.

The Mikaelson's were positioned around the room watching the teenager become more and more unhinged as the seconds ticked by. Slowly the room became illuminated by the morning sun light streaming through the floor length windows however, the warm glow did nothing to help ease the concerns of the occupants within, if anything, it only managed to rile their already ruffled feathers.

"Where the hell could she be! We've searched all night!" Jeremy's voice bellowed before turning his frustration to the closest table and in one found swoop the tables contents went soaring across the room before shattering to the ground with a mighty crash

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