Chapter 16- The Past Comes Back To Bite

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Chapter 16- The past comes back to bite you

Disclaimer- same as always. I only own my OCs and any plot changes and speech.


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The mysterious older Gilbert spat on the ground, trying to rid the blood from her mouth. She glared at the red head standing smugly in front of her holding a bloody knife in the air like a prize.

Roxanne forced a smirk through the pain that was currently radiating from the various cuts and stab wounds that littered her body "That the best you got" she taunted

The red head was practically foaming at the mouth at the lack of reaction Roxanne was showing to her torturous moves. Her aura was filled with anger as her eyes narrowed into slits before she once again dug the bloody tool into Roxanne's thigh, twisting it for maximum damage, but once again the brunette just gritted her teeth and grunted, refusing to give the red head what she wanted, refusing to scream.

The red head growled in frustration at the stubborn Gilbert before snarling "I want to hear you scream"

"That's what he said" Naturally, Roxanne couldn't resist the opportunity to add a witty comeback, no matter how much danger she was currently in. she chuckled slightly but the pain coming from her chest and ribs was too much and she ended up coughing, which led to the taste of blood once again filling her mouth.

The resounding echo of a slap vibrated off of the rocky walls around the two forms cutting off any coughing or laughter coming from the brunette tied to the chair, her head snapped to the left with her knotted, messy dark hair covering her face as she fell forward slightly.

"You really are incredibly stupid aren't you?" The red head snorted "I'm literally holding your life in my hands and you're just making want to kill you more...normal people would be begging for their lives right now"

Roxanne let out a small bitter chuckle at the pure bewilderment on her torturers face, a feral smirk slowly tilted her bloody and busted lips "You should know by now...I am anything but normal"

Envy and anger flashed across the red head's eyes, a snarl once again tugging at her features as she recalled exactly why she was currently in the small town Mystic Falls, beating the oldest Gilbert. The reason she was going through all this trouble rung clear as a bell through her mind as she brought the bloody tool down for the numerous time until it was imbedded deep within the brunette stomach creating just another wound amongst the rest of her battered flesh.


Confusion, rage and fear clouded over her wide eyes as she stared down at her trembling hands as though they were wild dangerous animals or weapons of mass destruction, which in her mind they were. Her knees were tucked up to her chest whilst she tried to burrow her way deeper into the corner of the room she inhabited; and that's how he found her several hours later, still tucked up in the corner to avoid the devastation that was once a small one-bedroom apartment.

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