Chapter 1

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Please vote when you done reading a chapter, also please leave comments and let me know what you think of this part. I'll try to make it a bit longer and interesting. I apologize for the mistakes that may appear and for grammar errors. I hope you enjoy. Bella💙

Kimberly Jacobs

"Auntie I'll have to call you back after work. I am very busy right now and I can't stay on the phone and discuss how Mr fluffy ears pooped in your new sleepers." I rolled my eyes, pressing my cell phone to my right ear with my shoulder.

I was busy at work and my hands were full. I couldn't even hold the phone in my hands and talk with my aunt who didn't want to hang up and me being me didn't want to be rude and cut the call on her. She calls me everyday to check up on me and my new job at Lobos Empire as Mr Lobos's personal assistant.

Today she called to tell me that Mr fluffy ears, her cat popped in her brand new sleepers. I love my aunt, she is my second mother, took me after my parents died and she has been the only mother figure in my life. I love her but I also don't want to lose my job and go back to stay with her and her ugly cat in her old but warm house in that lifeless neighborhood.

"Isn't it lunchtime though Molly?" She asked using the nickname my dad gave me, her voice thick with concern. She was pushing fifty five and was beginning to sound like an old grandma, but in honesty she was far from being a wrinkly old granny.

"I told you auntie, it doesn't matter. I have to get these papers ready for tonight's charity ball. Now I have to go okay? I love you."

She cheerfully told me she loved me back but not without reminding me to eat. It's been a two weeks since I started working for Mr Lobos and to say it was a walk in the park would be a lie. His last personal assistant quit due to the high demand of her hours at work so Mr Lobos wanted a new, fresh lady who wasn't lazy or who didn't have much of a life outside. I was happy to hear that because I had no friends or anything, well I have one or two friends that I normally hang out with once in a blue moon and those friends were people I worked with at the diner.

"Ms Jacobs are you done with the papers yet?" I nearly jumped out of my skin by the sudden company behind me. Mr Lobos walked like a cat I swear. You will never hear him approach or leave. The only thing that would make you aware of his presence is his cologne. Every time he walks past by my desk which is situated right outside his office, his scent would linger for a while in the air.

Mr Lobos was a very masculine man, always in perfect expensive tailor made suits and shoes. His brown hair reached just above his eyebrows and he would run his hands through it pushing it out of his eyes. I liked his hair, I liked his eyes,his brown eyes... They were hazel brown, and every time he looked at me I resisted the urge to look right into them. 

He had full plump pink-ish lips, his jaw was squared to perfection, tall- an easy 6 ft 2. The man was gorgeous and to top it all, he was Spanish. What amazed me is the fact that he can switch in between accents. One minute he is on a full Spanish accent, the next he is on American accent. It was incredible.

Yes the man sounded like a god right? But get this, he was a ruthless business man. When he says do something you better do it now, immediately Or there will be serious consequences. He hated tardy, untidy and sloppy people. He was always on time but at the same, most of the time never around the office, which leaves tons and tons of work for me. I always ate while working, but if I say I didn't enjoy my work I would be lying. I enjoyed the adrenaline rush, the challenges that came with the job. I loved working under pressure, trying to impress the big bully that pays my salary.

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