Chapter 38

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Kimberly Jacobs P.O.V

Miguel held me for a little while, and next thing we were swaying to the music. An unplanned dance. Not much of a hassle, a little sway here, a little sway there, bodies glued together moving in sync with the sound of music. I had finished my champagne and got rid of the glass so I can wrap my arms around Miguel's torso and place my head on his chest.

"There's something I need to tell you." I stated quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me.

"When we get home we will talk hermosa. " I detected a smile in his words. I love when he speaks Spanish even though I understood not even one word of the language. I sighed and nodded against his chest. I relaxed and continued with our little dance.

And just as I was enjoying the little moment, Nicholas shows up with a lady I met while on a fake date with him. Vanessa.

"Baby cakes!" He grinned, not really bothered by the fact that he just so disturbed a peaceful moment.

"I need to borrow him, and you need to keep my gorgeous flower here, company." He grinned. He looked handsome as well in a black and red tux. Whereas Miguel's jacket was cream, his was red.

Both their hair weren't styled. They just ran their fingers through, producing a boyish look about them. God's art. These men were sinfully handsome. And only one had my heart.

"Uhh... do you have to take him now?" I questioned. I haven't seen him in a while, and now Nicholas was taking him away from me? No!

"Yes, he will be back!" Without wasting more time, Nicholas took Miguel and they left me with Vanessa. She was wearing an olive green dress, with a high thigh slit, and black stilletoes. She was a beautiful woman to be honest and I can tell why Nick was smitten with her.

"Drink?"I asked and she nodded. We both walked to the open bar.

"I'm Kimberly by the way." I smiled at her.

"Vanessa."she smiled back and we shook hands. We got ourselves two glasses of red wine.

"Let's find a place to sit. I think the party is about to start." She pointed to the decorated sitting area where we would be dining, and where Leanda stood with her husband, and music coming to a halt.

"Ladies and gentlemen if you may find your sits please." Jackson spoke up. Instead of his normal jeans and biker jackets and combat boots, he wore a navy blue tux. With a black shirt. His hair was styled back, and he looked handsome as well, standing next to his wife. They were such a match made in heaven. Something I'd like to have one day

Vanessa led us to a table where a lady was already sitting, wearing a pure white evening gown.
We greeted and sat next to her.

She smiled at us, and what do you know? She was the most talkative lady I've ever met. Worse than Jacky even.

Leanda and Jackson said a little speech and her best friend also spoke and her sister and that was it. Immediately after the speech they announced that dinner would be served, and we should just enjoy.

It was such a lovely party and I didn't even know why would Miguel have a problem with me coming here.

Vanessa and I made acquaintances with the lady in a white dress. Her name was Mia.

"Girl! I've been looking everywhere for you." Jacky spoke from behind me.

"Jacky! Me too!" I giggled as she pulled my ears before I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Tell me that's not a designer dress." She held an accusing finger and I shrugged with a smile on my face. It was a Yves saint Lauren gown.

"And I saw you with that billionaire, dancing and canoodling!" She gave me a knowing look. "He bought the dress didn't he?"

"Jacky! It's none of your business!" I giggled.

"And how did he get to be invited here? Didn't know my aunt rolled like that!"

"She can surprise you." I smiled at her, and then I introduced her to Vanessa and Mia.

We all sat together during dinner time, making small talk here and there. Nothing silly, nothing awkward, thanks to Jacky and Mia. It was as if they were in a competition with each other. Who is the most talkative!

"So, are you and Nicholas a thing now?" I asked Vanessa quietly.

"Not really. Nick lives in this world of glamour and riches and I come from a different world of worrying about what I'm going to eat at night or in the morning." She said, looking rather sad about that.

"That's it? That's why you don't want to be with a man that actually loves you even when he knows where you come from?" I asked, surprised actually.

"I don't expect you to understand. Look at you, wearing designer clothes. He bought me this dress just so I can fit in and be his date here. Imagine if he didn't buy me this dress." She sighed, taking a sip of her wine.

"I met Miguel when I was staying in some crappy apartment. It was small that it can actually fit in my bathroom at Miguel's house. I didn't  have feelings for him then, and he didn't have any for me as well. But he bought me clothes, designer clothes. Everything you see me wear, he bought it. Yes I'm working, I make my own money but compare to what he makes? I stand no chance. I never thought of it any other way when we first kissed. I didn't think of the material things that were in the picture when I realised that I liked him, and I still don't. My closet is filled with clothes I didn't even choose or buy myself, and not once did I think about them, cause I'm happy with him, if all this goes away, I'd still want to be with him. And if you actually like Nick, then his financial status won't be a factor." I finished my speech and downed my wine.

She looked at me and said nothing. He eyes were a bit glossy.

"Thank you. And I like him, no I love him actually. I can't stop thinking about him. But promise me, you'd be my friend in all of this?" She asked, and I grabbed her hand in mine.

"You got yourself a deal." I smiled and just like that. We formed a relation.

We mingled, we talked, shared jokes. And ate!

And all of a sudden Mia panics.  Someone accidentally spilled wine on her white dress.

"My dress! My dress!" She panicked.

"Ooohkay! Calm down now. I stay here, let's go change upstairs. I think I may have a dress for you." Jacky said, trying to calm Mia down.

"Let's go, all of you come." Mia asked Vanessa and I to come.

We went upstairs and of course the body guards were in tow.

"You have to wait by the door. One of us is going to change." I told the guards. And they nodded.

We walked in, but I wasn't thrilled with being in here. Something was just wrong. I couldn't pinpoint what though.

I sat down next to Vanessa while Mia walked in the closet with Jacky.

Vanessa and I engaged ourselves in a conversation that we didn't realize Mia come up to us holding two syringes and plunged them in our necks.

"What the hell!" I yelled at her, but as fast as I used my energy to yell, it died down and black dots coloured my vision. It didn't help cause my system was already filled with alcohol. Whatever the bitch injected me with was terrible. It made me weak, I couldn't hold on.

"Goodnight sleepy heads." I heard the bitch's voice say, and then just like that, the lights in my head dimmed.



I know I said I don't know where I'm going with story but now I know. All planned out and it's just a couple of chapters before the end. But it might just be worth it.

Thank you for reading till this far.


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