Chapter 32

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Kimberly Jacobs P.O.V

It has been eleven hours since I had spoken to Miguel's father. There was no need for a DNA test to be performed. The man was just Lobos's walking photocopy. After our little encounter, we exchanged numbers and I promised I will try to get in touch with him, in regarding his plea to meet Miguel. I had explained to him, how Miguel might not be welcoming at first and I need to soften the blow first.

Now I was back at the house and Miguel and Nicholas weren't home yet. My aunt was with Caroline somewhere in the maids quarters and I was just here, thinking about my day over a tub of chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I have been craving for it the whole day, and some pretzels. I just couldn't stop myself from eating.

I had long disposed my work clothes and was in my sweat pants and a tank top, with my hair up in a pony tail.

How was I going to tell Miguel that his father wants to get in touch with him? And how do I know if Miguel won't get angry? I mean that man has some sort of bipolar disorder. One minute he is hot, everything cool, next he is as cold as ice.

My phone rang as I was just about to scoop up some ice cream. I groaned and reached for it on the coffee table.

It was Jacky.

"Hey babe." I answered.

"Hey stranger. Haven't seen you in a while, let alone talk with yo ass. " she complained, and I laughed.

"Only you Jacky." I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "I will make a plan to see you. I've been so busy." That wasn't a lie.

"I know, aunt Leanda told me how your boss is over working you. But I hope you will be available Saturday night for the party?"

Right, the party!

"I will try babe. Look I have to go. Text you later." Miguel was home and I had to hang up. I needed to talk to him.

"You better. Love you monkey face." She giggled and hung up.

Miguel was dressed in his designer black suit, with a blue shirt. He was looking handsome like always. Had my mouth watering for a second.

He strode into the lounge, his expressions at bay. His face was neutral, I couldn't tell if he was angry or not.

"Hi." I said. Looking at him, with questions running in my head.

"How was your day? How did it go with the banks?" He asked, pouring himself a scotch on the rocks.

I sighed and said "It went fine, surprisingly. I had a lot on my mind that I actually didn't think of the illegal activities I had to perform."

"Oh?" He arched his brow.

"Yeah, there is something I need to tell you." It was now or never.

"Can it wait? I just wanted to see how you were, I have a meeting with Nick and the boys. The last time we talked was on the phone and you sounded exhausted. You had me worried." He said, taking a sip from the glass.

"Well, I had an interesting shocking day. And I need to tell you about it." I stood up from the couch.

"After the meeting love. See you in a while." He left in a whiff. And I was left alone standing in the lounge.

I pushed my feet in my sleepers and walked to the kitchen. I might as well start preparing dinner, just to push time.

Just as I was chopping potatoes for the creamy mash I was going to prepare, the door bell rang. I suppose it's one of the guards or Miguel's workers hence he was allowed in the yard.

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