Chapter 42

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Miguel Lobos P.O.V

I personally went to my private airfield to fetch Lydia who had just landed. She looked gorgeous as ever. Her hair tied in a bun on her head, black skinny jeans, black leather jacket and black leather boots. It was always a wonder on how she managed to wear heels but still fight graciously. Weren't these type of shoes made for walking around short distances and well to events? Or even work when you know you were to sit down? Kimberly wears them for longer yes, but she doesn't run or fight in them, Lydia does. I've seen her in action and she always left me awe struck.

"You fetched me in a Maybach Lobos? I feel like the Queen of Italy right now." Lydia teased me when she stepped out of the private jet. Her guards taking her of her suitcase.

"I haven't seen you in forever Harrison allow me to spoil you a little." I smirked, and we hugged each other for a couple of seconds before pulling apart.

"So...tell me," she said as we got in the car. "What happened to the life lessons I gave you? Look at your ass right now. You look like shit!" She said, looking at me.

"I feel like shit too!" I mumbled. "I don't know how it happened Lydia but it did. I wish I could turn back the time and not throw that stupid party that landed her in my care, but I'd be lying if I said she didn't bring light into my dark life." I truthfully admitted out loud to someone else. Lydia and I were sort of close. Even at the training camp, I was teamed with her and we got talking and a friendship formed. We could talk for hours and still not think of silly things like a relationship, seeing we got along. We just knew from head start, that we will be good friends.

"See this is why when I see a man look at me like I'm some diamond, I flee!" She told me. Lydia had a rough past when it comes to relationship and what I went through doesn't even come close to what happened to her. Hence you'd think she was this cold hearted, vile bitch. I understand her completely.

"I wish I did that, but she forced herself under my skin without realizing. And now some crazy old flame of mine has her. And get this? My father called and told me Genevieve was kidnapped and he needs my help. If I help him find her, he'll help me find Kimberly." I ran my hand in my hair, frustrated as hell.

"Your father knows where your girl, I'm assuming she is Kimberly?" Lydia asked and I nodded. "He knows where kimberly is, but then he can't fight carter alone, he needs your strong team, your smart brain to help attack Carter." She informed me.

"Damn it!" I cursed. "I never thought of it that way." I felt stupid for not putting two and two together.

"That's what I'm here for Lobos, to be the brains." Lydia joked and we shared a small laugh. "We are not going to find that cagna you call mother. We are going straight for our girl. And after we get her, you will destroy Carter for all the shit he put you through, taking your stupid father down with him. Sounds good?" She asked with a smirk on her pretty face.

One look at this woman you wouldn't think she was deadly dangerous. Men feared her, respected her, because she was a clean assassin. She has killed many times, with elegance and class. But when she attacked her worst enemy's workers, she was very messy! She made sure to leave a mark, a statement that she means no jokes when she swore revenge on the man that has had her heart severely broken into shredded, unrecognizable, pieces.

"By the way Lobos...what is Carter after?" She asked again, trying to get to know all the details of the situation.

"Kimberley knows his deep buried secret and he wants to kill her for it." I answred her, not ready to tell what exactly the secret was because I, myself do not know hat to do with it.

"Well doesn't he think that Kimberley already told you?" She asked, while pulling out her phone to text. "I mean it has been long that he was chasing you. It is more than that." She commented.

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