Chapter 37

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Kimberly Jacobs P.O.V

Saturday came by so quick, it was as if this day couldn't wait to get here. I was so depressed and stressed out. Miguel didn't return home last night, aunt Charlotte hasn't come out of her room since her big "I know" speech and well Caroline has been busy with whatever she does around the house. Not that I was lonely, looking for company. I just wanted to deal with this whole mess and get it over and done with.

Miguel's phone has been off, so was Nicholas's.

I left countless voice messages to the both of them in hopes they will come back. I have to tell Miguel that aunt Charlotte knows and she is planning on taking me with her. I don't want to leave this place, I don't want to leave Miguel, I can't. It's too soon.

I lay awake in bed, my phone in my hand. Thinking of what I can do to help the situation.

I dialled Donovan's number.

After four rings and just as I was about to hang up he answered.

"Don." He curtly said.

"Hi Donovan, it's Kimberly." I said through the receiver. "I'm sorry to be calling you this early."

"There's no such a thing as early in this world we live in." He joked. His voice deep, and calm. He didn't sound sleepy at all considering it had just gone twenty minutes after six in the morning.

"Okay, can we meet? And talk? I need to understand why you're working for Carter and why he called you Vince." I cut to the chase. "I need to understand everything, before Miguel makes contact with you."

"Look, Kimberly. This is not safe for you, so I suggest you get Miguel on board for your safety as well as his." He replied.

"You don't understand. Miguel can take care of himself, but he tends to make rash decisions and when I tell him about you, I need to know everything!"

"You haven't told him about me?" He asked, a hint of shock detected in his voice.

"Oh no I have. And he is mad or pissed off or something I don't know, but whatever it is, it's not good. And he thinks I hold the answers, and that's where you come in. You are going to give me those answers." I informed him.

"Hmm. I see Miguel got himself a little fighter. Listen, today I'm busy, we can't meet like required but tell him this, his so called father is planning something big for him tonight." He said in a hushed tone.

My stomach dropped.

"Stefano? What is he planning?" I asked, all my senses awake now.

"I don't know, but what I know is that as of three days ago, his wife has been kidnappd by Carter, and Stefano plans to require Miguel to help him." He spoke again.

"Donovan? How do I know you're not lying? And how do you know all this? Genevieve is kidnapped? How come Miguel doesn't know this?" I fired all sort of questions at him. "And you still haven't told me why you're working for that damn pig!" I gritted my teeth.

"I work for both. I will tell you when we meet. I will call. Just warn Miguel, okay?" He didn't give me a chance to reply. He cut the call.

"Damn it!" I groaned.

I got out of bed and paced around the room. What am I going to do? What must I do?

I called Miguel one more time. Voice mail, as expected.

"Miguel Lobos, I know you're mad at me, and I don't blame you." I began to leave him a message by narrating the famous apology words. "But you can be mad at me some other time, now it's not a good time to be ignoring me. I talked to Donovan just now, and he told me that your mom has been kidnapped. Call me, or just come back home. Please."I pleaded and sent the message.

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