Chapter 8

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Nicholas and I spent the day together talking and eating. It was clear Vanessa was jealous but he had tested her asking to see her of which she agreed to eagerly. I couldn't understand though, you saw the man you like wining and dining another woman but you are quick to jump his bones when he asks you out? Unbelievable! I don't understand how relationships works, considering I was never in a relationship myself. Yes I've had my first kiss but it was nothing special and I just don't even want to think about it. Relationships just seem like hard work and filled with jealousy something I wasn't ready for.

It was late in the evening and I was accompanying Nicholas to some warehouse to pick up 'some things' he didn't let me know much just that I was to stay by his side.

"Why is it so dark here Nick?" We had just stepped out of the car, parked in front of some warehouse, in the middle of nowhere. Only trees and bushes surrounded the area and to say I wasn't scared considering why I'm living with them in the first place would be the biggest lie I've ever told.

The wind whipped my hair back and forth, crickets were chirping loud and it was awfully quiet that every time I heard an unusual noise I jumped out of my skin and clutched on Nicholas's arm.

"Are you sure I can't just stay in the car?" I asked him looking between the car and the warehouse and my stomach churned. "No, never mind I can't stay here alone." I took a deep breath and allowed Nicholas to drag me with him.

We arrived to the main door, and he punched in some security pin and the door unlocked. My heart was beating frantically that I was sure Nick could hear it.

He took a concerned look at me and shook his head "Relax." He said and continued his journey inside the house. "We are just going to pick up a box and we will be gone."

Soon as he said that the doors closed and I held onto him tighter. We walked further in the house but before we got anywhere someone from behind tapped me on my shoulder causing me to scream.

Nicholas turned around and I heard him mutter "Shit!" under his breath.

Shit? What's going on people?

My heart was threatening to jump out my throat. The man who tapped me was wearing black baggy jeans, a black muscle tank top, dirty boots and a black beanie. He had tattoos on his face and a very disturbing and sickening smirk on his face.

"Hey sexy." He greeted me. "You hanging out with this play boy tonight?" His voice was sickening.

"Thomas just give me the damn box and we will be gone." Nicholas glared at the fugly guy in front of us. The look he was giving me was just so dirty, it made my skin crawl.

"I wish it was that easy. The boss is here by the way. Don't you want to say hello?" Thomas was enjoying this, he enjoyed tormenting Nicholas and by no means me too. He was tormenting my mind alright!

"No, I don't want to see him." Nicholas looked angrier than I've ever seen him. The veins on his head looked like they would pop if Thomas opened his mouth one more time.

"Bro come on, he is still your father." Thomas chuckled, playing with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Shut up, you piece of shit and give me the damn box!" Nicholas took a step towards Thomas looking ready to kill. Thomas gulped and rubbed his head and took a step back. I took that as he was afraid of Nick.

When he was out of sight I turned to face Nicholas who couldn't look at me.

I heaved a sigh and kept quiet. If he thought I wasn't going to ask anything, he is wrong, so wrong!

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