Chapter 45

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Omniscient P.O.V

Miguel was fuming at the revelation that Rochelle had slipped through their fingers, while they were worried about filling their stomach. Nicholas took Vanessa to his room with strict orders to lock the doors shut. She was already weak, he had the kitchen fix her up a quick meal before making sure she was safe behind those doors.

It was clear that there was someone working with them, but not for them in the house, and they will find out who.

"Listen up boys!" Scarlett began, after they've gathered every man in the spacious lounge. "We got hit, don't know by who, Rochelle escaped and it's now clear that inside this very walls, lies an enemy. I don't know Miguel's men, but I sure as hell won't back down until each and everyone of you spill the beans." Scarlett spoke through gritted teeth.

"She's right. We are going to shut this whole place down. Three of us against all of you." Nicholas barked.

Miguel was quiet, he was fuming. He was livid that there was an enemy amongst them. He knew he couldn't trust anyone but he sure as hell did not think that his men would betray him like that.

The three of them got in a position where they prepared to run over walls and and snap heads until somebody speaks up. But as they were about to kick start their plan, Zack walked in, tainted with blood.

"Zack? What the fuck happened to you?" Miguel asked, dropping his defenses. The men in the living room also sighed in relief. All thirty of them. They have seen Nicholas and Miguel in action, they were bloody ninjas. You'd swear Jackie Chan and Jet Li trained them themselves. They were amazing, and they knew they were going to die in no less than ten minutes, all of them. They didn't know about Rochelle and they sure as hell didn't help her escape, but Nicholas and Miguel wouldn't listen. They were clouded by anger and the so called betrayal.

"Scarlett you didn't knock down that bitch enough. Just as I thought of tying her up, she charged and attacked me. I couldn't reach her fast enough next thing she escaped with Stefano." Zack managed to say as he clutched his chest. He was in dear pain. It was written all over his face.

Miguel's eyes narrowed into thin slits, how naive they were, and how sloppy they have gotten. Why would he choose now to let his guard down, why would he choose the day his father was detained and the woman he now loathed to the marrow of his bones to be careless? If he could slap himself into his senses he would do just that.

"She got away boss." Zack finished and Scarlett remained quiet watching Zack writhe in pain.

"Somebody get him a doctor. We are going to war, tonight. If we waste anymore time, we might as well give up and wait for Kimberly's body to be dropped on the door step." Scarlett said and the gears in Miguel's head began to rotate backwards. He had already imagined the scene unfold. No kidding that if tonight they do not attack and get Kimberly back safe, they might as well wait for the body. 

Together, as a team they sat down and formulated a plan, while doing so, two choppers were already sent out in search of Rochelle and Stefano, foolish them left in Stefano's car, and that was going to be easy to track. they shouldn't be far ahead, as Miguel's warehouse was further out of town. 

Miguel was seeing red, he did not care to harm Stefano emotionally anymore, he wanted him dead, as soon as yesterday. How longer will he wish to make him suffer emotionally while Stefano continues to kill every person he is close with? He may have forgiven him slightly, and acted like he forgot that he had Linda killed, but that is as far as he will get in hurting Miguel. Miguel was not going to let Stefano lay his hand or send harm Kimberly's way. Over his dead body.

The plan was simple, as soon as the guys on the choppers reported back that they had Stefano and Rochelle with them, Scarlett was going to torture the whereabouts of Kimberly out of her. while she will be doing so, Miguel and half the men will go to search for her, with Scarlett's men helping with the technology side of things. and then Nicholas with half the team will be going to rescue Genevieve from Carter's claws.

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