Chapter 40

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Miguel Lobos P.O.V

A week has gone by without an actual plan on how to get my baby back.

1. I don't know where Rochelle was.
2. I couldn't get hold of my dearest father.
3. I just found out that my mother, Genevieve has been kidnapped from her house three weeks back.

My life right now was just a complete mess, what a bloody joke! I was losing my mind slowly.

Aunt Charlotte wasn't helping the situation either, always in my ear telling me how irresponsible I was and Kimberly will actually be better off without me. I've never wanted to help her pack her bags and leave my house like I am right now. I wanted her gone! I didn't like her anymore. She was trying to take away the only light in my dark life. And that was running a number on me alone.

"Boss, great news." Zack showed up at the house with a hint of smile on his face. I looked at him expectantly.  "We managed to unlock Kimberly's phone and that last call she made was to a Donovan, and I'm guessing that is our man right?" He handed me Kim's phone, which we found in her purse, but it was password protected.

"Yes, finally. Some positive news." I wanted to hug Zack for a second but I also didn't want to count my chickens before they could hatch.

"Let me call him." I pressed dial on Kimberly's phone.

"How are you calling me right now?" A male voice came through and I knew it was the man I was looking for.

"Where is she?" I asked in so much force. I wasn't about to play daddy and son reunion with him. He was with my woman's kidnapper and I'm convinced he helped her. Mind how he answered the phone.

"Miguel..." he said my name like it was some Christmas revelation.

"Yes! Now where is Kimberly, Donovan? What have you done with her? What kind of a sick game are you playing?" I hissed. I've been looking for my father ever since Linda had told me he was alive, but she couldn't go further into details because I found her lifeless body on the day she was supposed to tell me everything. And I knew his name but I couldn't find him, nobody knew him. And all of a Sunday he shows up. I was expecting him to come bearing good news but instead he coaxed my gorgeous queen and then helped kidnap her.

I was hurt by that because I thought maybe my real father would be nothing like Stefano Baria, but who was I kidding? Nobody is a saint! They are just all alike, and that fuelled the rage that was already brewing inside of me.

"I can't talk right now, but don't do anything rational or you're going to get Kimberly killed." He spoke in hushed tones that I actually grew weary.

"She did mention that you are working for Carter I swear if you have taken her to that man, I will find you and I will tear out your liver alive!" I informed him of what was waiting in store for him and hung up the phone.

"Bloody moron isn't telling me anything!" I picked up the glass that I was drinking bourbon from and threw it a window in my office causing it to break into million pieces.

"Lobos." Nick walked in the house with Vanessa behind him. Ever since the incident, he hasn't let her out of sight. "I found Rochelle." He handed me a brown A4 envelope and in it were pictures of Rochelle and her bitch of a sister, Mia. I shuffled through the picture and realized they weren't alone.

I saw Kimberly with them. They were at their private airport, heading towards their jet.

"Where are they going?" I asked, Kimberly looked like a mess. Still in her party clothes, her face was just unbearable to look at. She was scared. Her make-up had ran and smudged all over her face.

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