Chapter 22

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Kimberly Jacobs P.O.V

I was so pissed off at Miguel Lobos, really pissed off, but what annoyed me to the core is why the fuck am I letting him and his actions bother me. Sure he kissed me, against my own will and I let myself enjoy it. Sure I find him a whole lot attractive but lets face it, the man was cold, too cold to be with a girl like me. I wasn't the smash and pass type of girl, no, I was the commit to kind of girl. But with Lobos I won't get that would I? The man already has this baggage larger than life but I am just there waiting for him to let me in. Now why am I hurting myself like this? I was just too angry, at him, at me and at that bloody bitch Rochelle. There was no denying it, she was beautiful but so rude! She thinks she is some miss universe and that got to me.

"Are we going back to the house miss Kimberly?" The driver asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror. We were already on our way, stopped at a traffic light.

"You know what? I'm hungry. Let's go to this other diner in the west."

"Leanda's diner?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

I nodded. "You been there?" I asked, curious with that smile.

"My wife is Leanda." He gave me this huge grin.

"Really? I used to work there. She is such an amazing woman. Who could have thought!"

Then the conversation just sparked up like that. I learned his name was Jackson and he has been driving Miguel ever since he was twenty one. Which means he has been working for Miguel for six years now, but he started with Stefano.

He has known the mafia life all his life but wants nothing to do with it. He is a trained fighter hence he doesn't feel at all at threat. And Miguel pays really, really well. Him and Leanda have been married for ten years and they have two sons, Luke and Jason.

It felt good to talk to someone again. I also enjoyed talking to Rio back at the club as well as Zachary, the most talkative guy I've ever seen and also Peter. They thought I was pretty and wanted to be friends with me, we exchanged numbers and they promised to hang out with me, if I keep coming to the club with Miguel.

Zachary shared his experiences with spanish women and I've never laughed like that in weeks! He was such an easy going guy, fun to be around with. I'd love to hang with him again.

"We are here!" Jackson opened the door for me and I thanked him.

We walked into the familiar diner and I smiled. It felt like home. I had promised to come visit them and today I have.

Just as we walked in Leanda was surprised to see Jackson and I walk in together sharing smiles.

"Are my eyes deceiving me? Molly?" She beamed at me, opening her arms wide and I couldn't help but to rush in and give her a hug! She was warm and smelled of strawberries and baked goodies.

"Lee!" I smiled, giving her yet another hug. She then turned to her husband, her eyes filled with happiness and love.

"Baby, don't I get a hug as well?" Jackson joked, scooping his wife into his arms and giving him a kiss on the lips causing Lee to blush like a silly girl. That was a beautiful moment, for a second I was jealous. What would it take for me to find such love?

"Oh my God!" A familiar voice spoke up yet again, the diner wasn't so busy but there were few customers who turned to us, observing the little reunion we just about to create right in the middle of the diner.

"Jacky!" I squelled and hugged my friend. She hugged me back full of smiles.

"Molly! Girl you have been gone!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to an empty booth with blue seats. "I should be mad at you, but girl look at you! Looking beautiful with your corporate dress and shoes!" She grinned. Jacky was my friend, also Leanda's niece. She was studying in the local college and worked at the diner for pocket money. This girl right here was a miracle worker, she made her own clothes. I could be dressing up in designer clothes now, but back then she put all of us to shame with her killer fashion sense.

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