Chapter 12

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Miguel Lobos

I drove back to the mansion in full speed. I wouldn't care if the car spins out of control and I crash! I wouldn't have given a flying fuck if I drove right into a truck and be smashed to tiny little pieces. I was angry, pissed and top of it all, I was hurt. I was hurt by a man who raised me as his son, a man that loved me till I was only sixteen. A man that was supposed to take care of me but didn't! 

He killed Linda. 

Sick twisted jerk face! I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to feel my wrath, I wanted him to know how it actually feels to feel pain. But no amount of physically pain would amount to the emotional pain he has put me through. I want him to feel his heart closes up on him without no one touching him. I want him to feel the heat in his chest. I want him to feel like he can't breathe anymore. I want him to feel that pain, the emotional pain, oh and he will.

I parked my car and went in the house with Nicholas silently following me.

It had just gone after two in the morning and all I needed right now was a damn drink!

"Damn it! Where is my bloody whiskey??" I yelled to no one in particular when I found the liquor cabinet empty.

"Check on your left cupboard." Nicholas spoke up from the couch in the living room. A living room that looked like a damn cinema! These people living here better count their blessings because they living luxurious life through me!

I opened the left door of the cupboard to find it filled with liquor. I must have opened the wrong door.

I pulled out the bottle of whiskey and two glasses and opened the bar fridge right next to it that I knew had ice in it. I poured Nicholas a glass and took it to him and I walked back to fix my own drink.

I downed one, two, three, four glasses before I helped myself to the fifth glass and walked to the couch.

I took off my jacket and unbuttoned a couple of buttons on my shirt and sat down.

"Want to talk about what happened at the house?" Nicholas blurted out as I was about to close my eyes.

"What's there to talk about?" I snapped. I wasn't in the mood. I gulped down the glass and went back for another serving. Midway back to the couch I stopped and went to retrieved the bottle of whiskey,  added more ice to my glass then I went back to sit down.

"You are not going to drink and pretend like your fool of a father didn't just admit to killing Linda!" He didn't just stop there despite me having a splitting headache. "He sat there on his fat ass and admitted everything! Why didn't you kill him? Why didn't you do something? Why didn't you let me put a bullet-"

"ENOUGH!" I yelled and winced due to my splitting headache.

"I don't want to kill Stefano." He mean mugged me. "At least not yet." I finished.
"I want to make him suffer emotionally Nicholas, just like how he made us suffer. Then I will move to physical pain."

He shook his head and stood up and poured himself another shot of whiskey. "That's stupid. He needs to die! Are you waiting for him to strike again? He is poison! He needs to go." He hissed, and gulped down his drink. And walked towards the stairs and I trudged behind him.

"Look Nick..."

"You don't get it do you? Miguel that bloody fool is a monster! Yes we may not be afraid of him, that's why we need to kill him. That man is a snake! He will strike again when we least expect him to. He will hit us hard, he will come for our little hearts!" Nicholas looked defeated. His eyes held sorrow. And to know Stefano is the reason, makes my blood boil.

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