Chapitre 2

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Lexa kom Trikru sat in her throne pondering, her heart full of doubts and indecision. A rare occurrence for her. Or at least it used to be.

Was this really the path to take? Onya, Gostos, Indra and even Titus were against it after she had told them of her strange dream.

She could loose everything on this single decision.

"But i don't care, do i?" She whispered to the ghost of the blond women. "Not if it means it makes you real..."

Her thoughts were disturbed when the door to the side of the council room opened and entered Onya her mentor and the women she considered her mother, Indra one of her general and by far the most faithful, Gostos another of her generals, her paternal figure and a man ready to do anything to protect her and Titus, Ambassador of the Trikru and the one in charge of the upbringing of the Natblida in her absence.

"Heda, please, reconsider this." Said Gostos.
"General Gostos is right Heda, this is foly. The Ambassadors will see weakness and try to use it." Added Onya.

Lexa nodded, already aware of that fact.

"That is why when they arrive in a few minutes i need you all. I need you to put your doubts aside and have faith in me. Have faith in the spirit's vision." Her tone was implacable, she clearly expected to be obeyed. "Skaikru will come from the stars, carrying the Skai Prisa and the Maun-de shall fall."
"You would allow such a powerful person to gain such honor?!"

The one opposing her the most was none other than Titus.

"Why? Why would you risk to give such power to an unknown clan? What if they try to supplant you?" Interfered Onya.
"Because," she answered harshly "it is the will of the spirits! The future of our people lay with them! Besides Sky Prisa would never hurt me."

That was not true and she knew it. Clarke would definitly end her if the coalition or herself proved a threat to the Ark and the original 100 youth sent on earth. Just like she would end any of the Skaikru and Clarke herself if they prooved a threat. But they didn't need to known this.

Before any of them had time to complain once more the guards announced the arrival of the ambassadors. Lexa leaned against her throne and said with finality

"I have made my decision. You cannot change it. Either you accept my choice and we gain a clan in the Kongeda and defeat Maun-de or you will have to find another Heda."
"There will be no need to do so" hurriedly said Indra, speaking for the first time since her arrival.
"Then stand by my side."

All for of them stood on the left of her throne, Gostos and Titus the last to do so. The council room opened and the ambassadors came in one after the other, bowing in front of her before taking their seat.

As the last one took his seat Lexa spoke.

"The spirits have sent me a vision. It was the clearest and longest one i have ever had."

Whispers and ushered words spread between the twelve ambassadors. Lexa carried on, her voice quieting the assembly.

"This vision was sent to me a moon cycle ago, i have taken the time to ponder on it and have finally decided how to proceed with it."

To emphasize her point and because she couldn't stand to stay seated, Lexa stood.

"A Thirteenth clan will soon join us."

Once again the ambassadors silence broke, this time louder and once again Lexa carried on, not raising her voice and forcing them to listen to her.

"It will be like no others, coming from our forgotten past and bearing great power and knowledge. Among them with hair like sunshine and eyes as deep as the ocean will be the Skai Prisa, Fisa and Gona of her people, carrying their hopes, future and heart. It is with her that the future of Kongeda will lay. It is with her that Maunde will be toppled."

Leksa kom Trikru = Lexa of the Tree People
Natblida = Sang de Nuit
Heda = Commander
Skai Prisa = Sky Princess
Kongeda = Coalition
Fisa = Doctor/Healer
Gona = Warrior
Maun-de = Mountain

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