Chapter 7

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It was a day like any other.
Leksa was busy dealing with city matters to ensure Polis peaceful existence and the continuation of the coalition. By her side was Titus, still upset for her action of two moon cycles ago.
She understood his hesitation: she had had to put her position as Heda on the line to keep the ambassador's settled.

"If by the next winter Skaikru hasn't come and Maun-de still stands i shall let the spirit of the Heda pass on. However if i was correct i expect your complete cooperation towards the Skaikru."

...was what she had said when three Ambassadors, among which the one of Azegeda, had made their uncertainties about her leadership known.

As the spirit of Heda could only be passed after death she had literally put her life in the line.
And Titus didn't like it. Not one bit. How ironic.

Neither did Indra and Gostos for that it matters.
The only one she did not get the verbal opinion was Onya but if she remembered the look she had been given correctly the her mentor had not been thrilled either through there was and a tinge of something else too.
Something that she believed was no other that compassion.

Lexa was on her balcony, looking at Polis that was spread below her when the people who were no bigger than ants started pointing at the sky. Looking up she saw the sight that she had been praying for to the spirits and a awaiting for each day since her awakening in the past.

In the blue skai a trail of fire was descending towards the earth.

Tears of relief came and Lexa whispered words of gratitude to the spirits.

"Thank you for giving her back to me..."

She was interrupted by the sudden opening of her door and Onya, dressed in her usual battle gear, barged in.

"It happened. Just like you said it would."
"Did you doubt me?" said Lexa in her commander tone without turning around therefore keeping her tears hidden.
"...No, but others did."
"They wont anymore." She said her voice final.

Silence came as Onya stood a step behind her Heda, observing the falling sky.

"I leave at dawn to the landing zone."
"And you shall be my eyes and ears. Remember: let them come to us."
"Sha, Heda"

Leksa = Lexa
Polis = Coalition's capitol
Maun-de = Mountain
Heda = Commander
Skaikru = Sky People
Azgeda = Ice Nation
Skai = Sky
Sha = Yes

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