Chapter 12

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Soon enough, it was just Finn, who had not followed the boys back, Clarke and Octavia standing in the forest. Clarke turned to look at the brunette and smiled, getting one in return before they set off in the other direction, moving further into the forest.
She royaly ignored Finn.

They walked together silently which gave Clarke more time to think. What would the camp need before she could head off to TonDC to meet Anya then to Polis to see Lexa? They would need axes; easily enough fashioned out of steel and hard rock, or glass; again, easily scavenged from the dropship and the forest. They could get vines and ropes for tying things together and blankets for the cold nights. She could get those from the forest, the art bunker and the arms bunker. That would take care of defenses too. Bellamy had done well enough last time, getting everyone together to build and to hunt and to scavenge.

That, of course, would be counting on the factor that Jasper's disappearance and injury when brought back into camp had scared the 100 into desperate actions. But surely survival against nature itself rather than the grounders would push them to do the same...

Out of the corner of her eye, Clarke looked at Octavia and smiled as she watched the girl take in the sights that the forest had to offer. Even without the experiences she had had before Clarke was forced back here, Octavia had certainly had that spark of knowledge, of wanting to learn what she could.

Down here, Octavia figured out that she belonged, and could start fresh. Down here she was more than the little girl who had spent her entire life in a trap then a cage. She had sought a home and had found one. Considering what the Council's laws and decisions had cost her it was not that far a stretch that she chose the lifestyle of grounders rather than Skaikru.

Clarke looked around, noting the sun descending, and looked at some of the larger rocks on the ground. When she saw the green substance coating the way they were headed in she smiled and pointed it out to Octavia.

"That's how we know that we're going in the right direction, and that we're close."
"How do you know that?" The brunette asked, head tilted slightly to the side.
"Earth skills." Clarke shrugged.

She caught Octavia's brow furrowing but dismissed it. They continued walking where the moss was pointing and, sure enough, soon they were coming up on the river that marked the end of the acid fog's range.

Clarke bent over the river and filled the jarricans with water while keeping an eye on the other side. She knew that somewhere in the trees was a Trikru warrior armed with a spear, ready to attack at any moment. She was so focused on the trees that she failed to notice Finn holding a familiar vine in his hands before he ran to the river and swung over it, landing on the other side.

"Finn, no!" she shouted.

But it was too late, and she knew it. Clarke turned, moving back to Octavia and pulling the younger girl behind a centenial tree and away from the openness of the path. She made sure Octavia was looking at her when she put a finger to her lips and crouched down, shielding herself further, and motioned for Octavia to do the same.

Octavia frowned slightly but did as she was instructed, crouching and following Clarke as the blonde moved forwards until they were just behind where the tree line broke. Clarke looked around, up in the tree branches and along the forest floor, but knew that whoever had thrown the spear the first time around wouldn't be seen unless they wanted to be.

Octavia was looking at the darkening figure of Finn. Clarke looked back at him as well, and saw that he had landed on the other side and was now looking back at the side that they were on, frowning.

"Clarke?" Clarke heard him, right before she heard – more than saw – the spear being released, flying right towards Finn with a deadly accuracy that came with being raised as a warrior. Clarke thanked whoever was listening and had sent her back that the throw was not aimed to kill.

Even though they had been faster getting across the river this time, with Finn's impulsive actions, someone was still going to be taken as bait for that stupid jaguar.

And this time, because it hadn't been Jasper to cross, Finn was the one taking a spear to the chest.

TonDC = Trikru Village
Trikru = Tree People

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