Chapter 11

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"Hey, what did you do that for?!" came Finn's angry voice.
"I did that for food. Or did you think that we were out for a stroll?" was her harsh and implacable reply.

While Jasper and Monty cut long branches to fashion a hammock of sorts with the seat belts, Octavia looked at Clarke with awe and respect.

"How did you do that? Can you do it again? Can you teach me?" was her rapid stream of questions followed by a imperious demand of "Teach me!"
"Whoa! Slow down! Got lucky, that's all."

Clarke had shot her down as fast as she could. She needed Octavia to be independent and strong just like she had been the first time around. She needed her friend that supported her and challenged her not a mindless drone that followed her blindly.

Octavia had a dubious expression, clearly aware that hitting the buck in such way with the uneven metal shard was more than just luck but, as she did not understanding why Clarke would pretend otherwise she decided to keep quiet. Since pondering about the mystery that was Clarke Griffin would lead her nowhere she decided to change subjects.

"Didn't we need to get water, too?"

Clarke cursed under her breath and looked to Octavia nodding. She called up ahead of them where Finn, Monty and Jasper were.

"Guys, are you okay heading back to the dropship without us. I kind of got... distracted. I'm sure we can handle getting the water on our own?"

She looked to Octavia who nodded and then turned back to the boys. The dynamic duo looked at each other before looking back at Clarke and nodding while Finn just grunted.

"We'll head back to the ship and get started on this big guy." Jasper said, motioning to the buck and smiling.
"Wait a minute, we can't leave you two alone! You said it yourself, if there is game there is predators. None of you are strong enough to-" started Bellamy, looking at his sister as he said so more than at Clarke.
"Okay! Let me stop you right there! If you don't get back along with the buck Murphy and his crew will beat up those two cute little and frail geeks," Clarke pointed to Monty and Jasper.
"Oh no, she did not just call us geeks!" Jasper took offence.
"She thinks we're cute!" Rejoiced Monty.
"And frail." Snorted Finn from behind them.
"...while those who will have worked when we were gone will probably get scraps. As for us, i think i just proved i was capable enough to take care of myself. If you can't trust me to look after your sister, i understand. But can't you trust Octavia?"

Bellamy was quiet, his eyes searching Clarke's for some kind of confirmation and reassurance. He seemed to find it because he nodded and gave a hug to his sister.

"You two be careful, okay?"

Clarke smiled at Bellamy's concern and nodded.

"Anyone working when you get back is free to the meat, and please make sure anyone slacking off gets nothing. I warned them, and I keep my word."

She looked the boys in the eyes and made sure they understood. Both boys stood slightly straighter and nodded at her before taking off while Bellamy kept staring at her with calculating eyes.

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