Chapter 30

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A/N: So here the thing: I wanted to post this chapter as a Christmas present for everyone but I was so drunk that I forgot.

... yeah, worst reason ever!

Anyway, to compensate I posted not one, nor two but three Chapters!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

"It's like they don't want to learn or something" says Monroe with irritation over the shouting that could be heard from above in the second level of the drop ship. "I mean, they were locked down because they were acting like bullies and little ungrateful lords but they continue to do that even now."

"The definition of insanity is to repeat the same actions hoping for a different result." said Harper. "They are insane to keep banging on the walls like that and we would be as equally insane to let them go resume their life among us and expect them to act differently."

Clarke who had just arrived in the drop ship after Anya's departure with Charlotte at her side and Octavia and Miller following her had a feeling she knew where the discussion was going and did not like it so she decided to speak up.

"What would you do?" she asked not paying attention to the girls startling. "Keep them locked up? That would be doing the same thing as the Council and I refuse it. Killing them is out for the same reason and because they are still one of us, do not deserve it and I am a healer before all, not an executioner. I will not put this task on anyone else either, no one deserves it. Banish them? They would still be seen as Sky People and we would risk aggravating our relations with the Survivors. All we can do is speak to them and try to make them understand what we are trying to do."

"That's... true." Acknowledged Harper after a moment of thinking.

"Is it true?" Excitedly asked Monroe. "Are you really about to get an alliance with the Survivors?"

"We will see if their Heda agrees to the terms I proposed but, yes, I am trying too."

"What does Heda mean anyway?" pondered Octavia.

"It's probably a derivate from Head as in the commander or the leader." affirmed Miller.

"So, she is the Commander?" wondered Monroe.

"No, " corrected them Clarke obtaining their attention, "she is Heda. We must use their terms as a sign of respect."

"You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" advanced Harper. "Or something like that." she shrugged.

"What worries me, " carried on Clarke as if Harper had not said anything "is that they have developed an entire language parallel to English. Why bother with learning two languages when you need to spend most of your time learning how to survive and fight?"

She saw Finn on a table, his torso covered in bandages and approached him, carefully checking for his pulse, and breathing. When she was satisfied that everything was normal she turned back to her friends and saw them thinking about what she had said.

Good, I need them to be on their toes. We might have a building friendship with Trikru and the Coalition but the Ark's Council could destroy everything and the Mountain Men could come for us at any time now.

"There is the way this Kongeda was formed." added Octavia with a frown. "Anya said that it was made directly after the flames of the bombs died down. No way it could have been this fast, not in that time with all the confusion, the dead and the madness and chaos of unruled men. There must have been a reason to their hurried alliance."

"O is right." confirmed Clarke. "It is suspicious."

"What about the cannibals. Could be it."

"Eating human flesh makes you weak and frail actually so I don't think that's it or they would have been dealt with long ago." denied Clarke with a shake of her head as she knew that the Ripas were only a symptom of the Mountain Men.

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