Chapter 24

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There was a moment of stunned silence until Clarke let go of Bellamy. The grounders and half of the Arkers could see that both were unharmed but a few others who was standing in Clarke's back believed her wounded. Miller was among them and lost his cool when he believed Clarke, the one who had been helping them survive since the begening, to be shot and shouted in rage before impacting Bellamy with all his strength. Soon Harper did the same thing to Murphy under Clarke's amused eyes. Three more joined the struggle and both Bellamy and Murphy ended on the floor, their hands held behind their back.

"Hum... Thanks for the help. I guess." said Clarke before being engulfed in Charlotte's and Octavia's hugs and shouts of 'she's alive' and 'you're okay'.
As the crowd realized that Clarke truly was well a general sigh was heard.

"Miller, please lead them to the upper deck of the drop ship. Make sure they can't break anything. Let them have time to think about what they were about to do."

Onya was pleased to see that the dark skinned and head shaved boy called Miller followed Clarke's instructions without complaining. Through the Skaikru's deference support and concern of the Skai Prisa she had confirmation that the blond was indeed Skaikru's leader. Onya's attention turned back to her as she was spoken to once again.

"As i was saying, i am Clarke Griffin from the Sky People and i speak for them."
"Heya Klark kom Skaikru, I laik Onya kom Trikru and i speak for Heda."

Not letting her amusement show at seeing the look of surprise on a few people when they heard her speak in Gonasleng she awaited for Klark kom Skaikru to speak again.

"It is an honor to meet you Onya Kom Trikru. Am i right to believe it means you are from the Tree People?"

Seeing the rider nod Clarke felt her confidence bolster. This was so much better than their first encounter had gone.

"I have many questions and i am sure you do too. Normally i would invite you to eat and drink but i am afraid we have neither."

Onya kept quiet for a moment, pondering how badly the Skaikru were if they couldn't spare food for a single person. As she took into consideration sending some of her men to hunt a skat with white skin, black hair and assented eyes came forward.

"We have drinks." he said with a wide grin. "Alcoholic drinks." added another boy with some weird apparel on his forehead.

The Skai Prisa laughed and Onya saw how her entire face lit when she did. So this is why, she thought as she finally understood what Leksa saw in the goufa.

"I do not doubt you have some boys but i don't think that getting wasted during a meeting that could determine wether we live or die is a good idea" she lightly scolded them while remembering everyone of the seriousness of the situation.
"Oh, right. My bad." Was the first boy's sheepish answer.
"Although..." Clarke hesitated before turning back to Onya "i do not have food to welcome you but i would very much like to offer a bottle of Monty's Moonshine to you and Heda each. Consider it a mark of friendship and a sample of what we could possibly trade."

Onya nodded, taking into account the respecting tone the Skai Prisa used when she spoke of Leksa and deciding that the girl's political skills were at least as good as Leksa at the end of her apprentice ship as her Seken. The boy whom she assumed was called Monty and the one with the forehead apparel let out whoops of delight and left the crowd, possibly to get the bottles of this 'Mounshin' that was promised to her.

Meanwhile the two girls that had embraced the Skai Prisa acted on their own. The older one finally stopped eyeing Onya sword and collection of knives and ordered for a couple of seats to be prepared while the little one who had hidden behind Klark when Onya's horse shook its head pulled on the blonds sleeve and whispered in her ears.

"I will ask but for now i want you to stay with me." promised Skai Prisa to the little girl who returned to watching the horse with wonder.

Onya's mount had not even flinched when the shot was fired earlier which complimented it's dressing but Onya knew that it was growing tired on standing still with her on its back so she decided to dismount. Her warriors followed suit. Two of them took the horses away from the camp to the little girl's dismay and the rest took a C formation with her at the middle front completing the circle and Triss at it's center.

"If you will follow me, we will seat somewhere comfortable and discuss at length our arrival on Trikru land." Clarke offered and the girl who was eyeing anything sharp in sight with envy led them to the fire pit where two rows of five seats taken from the drop ship had been placed.

Onya sat in the middle and Triss stood behind her, with amusement she saw the girl that had been glued to Klark do the same. Once Onya sat Clarke took her place and all around them the Skaikru skats and gada found their own place on the floor.

"Do you always hold your meetings in a place where all can hear?"
"Those that sent us here do. They take daily decisions that go against our well being and i want my people, of whom i am only the voice not the chief of, to know that i am not like them. My people will always come first."

Looking in Clarke's eyes Onya believed her to speak the truth and decided that, even if the girl was as clueless about war and pain as skai skat Fin she deserved respect as only few people were willing to put the well being of their people above theirs. Now it was a question of wether she was capable of doing so.

"Actions that i can respect." she nodded at the wheat haired Skaikru.

Skaikru = Sky People
Skai Prisa = Sky Princess
Heya Klark kom Skaikru, I laik Onya kom Trikru = Hello Clarke of the Sky People, i am Anya from the Tree People
Heda = Commander
Gonasleng = English
Skat = Boy
Leksa = Lexa
Seken = Second
Gada = Girl
Fin = Finn

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