Chapter 23

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Onya was on her horse, riding in the middle of a group of six gona while two were further ahead on foot and two others were hidding in the tree. Her face was devoid of war paint as this was a mission for peace and a smaller horse was following slightly behind her, Triss, her Seken, was seating on it.
Ten meters behind them another group of warriors were surrounding Naiko and his patient the skai skat who went by the name of Finn. The boy was letting groans of pain whenever the trailer's wheels hit a root or a stone.

The procession had passed the stone bridge more than twenty minutes ago and was nearing the skaikru camp when Onya saw tracks on the soil of two people walking together. One was lighter than the other, probably a child. She assumed it was some of the Skaikru and was surprised that they would let their youth go out of their camp.

Five minutes later her sharp ears started picking up activity, conversations and people walking heavily and she knew that as soon as they crossed the next patch of trees they would see the Skaikru camp.

Her prediction was correct through she was surprised to see wooden walls, althrough poorly made, and guards standing post diligently as her impression of the Skaikru left by the skai skat was quit poor. She had thought the Skaikru as ignorant of the world and its dangers. Apparently she was wrong. Interesting.

The guards had seen them now and shouts rang through the camp. They were speaking in Gonasleng, the language of the Maunon and Gonas which made her guards tense. She saw them gather at the hole in the wall that served as a gate and was stupefied to see no adults, only near men and women. They were all looking at her and her warriors with fear and wonder, some were fixing the horses with awe instead.

She wondered how those people were supposed to help them topple Maunde if they acted no better than little children impressed by the littlest thing.

Then she saw her, her hair was blond like the wheat just like Leksa had described her and were held in multitude of tresses, her eyes held fearsness and she was advancing with purpose, looking at her with something akin to recognition. Something else caught the Skai Prisa's attention and she redirected her steps to intercept another.

It was the camp's reaction to the grounder's arrival that had woken Clarke. At first she had thought that a hunting party had finaly managed to return with food but then Octavia came and told her that Survivors on large creatures had arrived. She had immediately stood from the shade and seen Anya's head above the crowd. She started walking to her when she saw Bellamy and Murphy advancing towards the grounders, one of the young adult's hands on the gun hidden at the back of his belt.
Knowing that she had to be the one to speak if she wanted peace she walked as fast as she could without alerting the grounders of her presence and intercepted Bellamy and placed a hand on his shoulders.

"Remember what i said, we are the intruders."

Instead of Bellamy listening to her Bellamy frowned, jerked her hand away and kept walking, playing with his large frame to open a path towards the grounders. Through when the Arkers saw Clarke they willingly made a path for her and she managed to get to the grounders before Bellamy could. Knowing that Anya was their leader she addressed her.

"I am Clarke of the Sky People and i represent them, might i know who you are and for whom you speak?"

Onya looked at the skai gada that had somehow obtained Leksa's heart from all the way in the sky. She admitted that she was different than the rest of them. For the better. She was about to answer her when the skat she had spoken with before finished bullying his way through and interrupted them.

"You don't represent me, Clarke."
"And each day that passes i am a little bit happier not to. Now be quiet Bellamy, adults are talking."

Onya smirked at the confirmation that the Skai Prisa was not someone you tramped on unchallenged. If she had been then Onya would have had serious concerns about Leksa's taste in women. Her smirk died when she saw the Skaikru named Bellamy pull out a Maunon weapon. It was smaller and could be used with one hand but it was still recognizable as one.

"Do you intend to shoot me Bellamy? Me, the one who brings back food, warned you about the dangers of the forest, taught people how to light a fire, your only healer?"

Onya detached her eyes from the dark haired man and looked at the Skai Prisa. Her life was being threatened yet she did not appear to be worried. Either she was unconscious of the danger which was madness or she did not believe the man would carry his threat.

"Can you shoot another person? You've already killed once and it's eating at you. Do you really think you can do it again?"

Bellamy faltered, not expecting Clarke to know about his attack on Jaha. That is the moment Clarke chose to act. She grabbed the gun with one hand and pointed the mussel on the floor and discharged the magazine with the other, letting it fall to the ground. That is when Bellamy's finger contracted from the surprise and the bullet already in the chamber fired.

This is the twenty third chapter yet i have only one vote and no comments!
Please vote and comment, it will drive me to update faster and write faster too!

Gona = Warrior
Seken = Second
Skai Skat = Sky Boy
Skaikru = Sky People
Gonasleng = English
Maunon = Mountain Man
Maunde = Mountain
Leksa = Lexa
Skai Prisa = Sky Princess
Skai Gada = Sky Girl

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