Chapter 31

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Finn woke up less than an hour later and Wells and Charlotte came to get Clarke who was relieved to see that none was hurt or dead. Clarke walked to the drop ship with purpose, dissuading people from stopping her as they had done before.

When she arrived a Finn's side with Charlotte and Wells Finn turned his head to them and after a single look at her spoke with a smirk.

"You look like crap. And I'm pretty sure that if your hair wasn't in this strange hair-do it would go, like, crazy wild."

"A joke?! Now I definitely know you're feeling better!" said Clarke with a smile while putting her hand on his shoulder.

"You got it Princess. Or is it Skai Prisa?" he jabbed at her, fully knowing that she hated being called 'princess'.

"I kinda like Skai Prisa..." muttered Clarke thinking that the nickname could only come from Lexa herself. "Finn, I know you're tired and have questions so I will answer them quickly. You were speared by a Survivor of the nuclear war, they did it because you were entering dangerous territory inhabited by cannibals -or at least that's what their leader told us- then they took you and healed you to bring you back here."

Clarke caught her breath and helped Finn sit up while Charlotte made him drink some water. When he was done she laid him back down and continued with her tale.

"I sat with their leader, Onya kom Trikru, or Anya from the Tree People in English, and discussed our arrival and possible stay in their forest, the impending landing of the exodus ships with the rest of the Ark population and how we could fit in in their economy and own cultural development. It went well, I think. Now we are waiting for their return in three days with their Heda's -their Commander's- answer."

"I know about the grounders, Prisa."

"Survivors, please." she said.

"We're trying to use a more respectful term. Can't hurt to do so." explained Wells in front of Finn's confused expression.

Finn nodded in understanding and kept talking.

"I woke up in a fur tent and this badass looking woman with knives and a sword was there. We spoke for a while and I learned a few things. The most important of all is that Mount Weather isn't deserted. People live in it and apparently, they are not fans of the Groun-Survivors. According to the women they take women and children away and turn the men into murderers."

"Not a pretty story but one that explain why they really want us away from the mountain."

"Yeah. Imagine what could have happened if we had landed where we were supposed to or of we had gone on our first day. We would have met the cannibals then the people of Mount Weather. You were right to want to wait Clarke." told her Wells.

"The survivors call them the Maunde." Said Finn's randomly with a tired voice.

"Sleep." Instructed Clarke before taking Wells away from the table.

Charlotte followed them and took a stand behind Clarke who gestured her to step next to her instead.

"Those Maunde are probably the reason why we didn't land on the mountain. Their installations are possibly as run down as ours and they might have been afraid the shock from the landing would destroy something."

"So what shall we do?"

"We tell the others. They have a right to know and I refuse to act like our parents by keeping secrets from them."

Wells sighed but nodded in ascent and they both left the drop ship to talk to the rest of the Arkers with Clarke thinking that she won't be catching any sleep during the day either.

Skai Prisa = Sky Princess

Onya kom Trikru = Anya from the Tree People

Heda = Commander

Maunde = Mountain

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