Chapter 28

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Abigail was a mess when she stopped crying. Her eyes were puffy, her nose was running and she had a migraine yet she felt as if a weight had been lifted now that her friendship with Theolonius was no more.

She was not worried about getting a place on one of the Exodus ships as, like the Chancellor had said, she was one of the very rare doctors still able to practice but she was wondering what her life would be like once she was on earth. Would she have to continue to work as she did on the Ark, with limited resources and instructions on when to let people die or would Mount Weather provide enough to truly act as a Doctor according to her Hippocrates' Vow? That would be a first. A welcomed one through as her non-respect of the ancient vow had always weighted on her.

What about the earth itself, how did it loo? Feel? smell? She hoped it would be as beautiful as in Clarke's drawings of it in her skybox, full of wondrous plants and sights or the blue, green and brown globe with twirling cloud view they had all seen from the Ark's window.

Now that she had lost her seat on the council and was operating on no wage she would have to relinquish her familial quarters and take a minimal two people apartment with Clarke to keep her close. She had let her go out of her sight once and she had ended up on the Earth, so far away from her. Now that Abby was getting her back there was no way she would separate from her daughter again. She was too young, too fragile, too big hearted and too precious to live in such a harsh place. That was why Abby had told her to be strong and think of herself before the others when she last saw her.

Abby's heart caught in her chest and her breath stilled. She needed to speak with her daughter. Now.

Jumping up she left her quarters, surprised not to see any guards stationed up front even with her order to stay put and, putting their absence on Jaha's last show of friendship, went to the council room to find all of them, along with Diana Sydney, the precedent Chancellor, sitting at her old place.

Not waiting for any of them to stop her or order guards to lead her out she spoke.

"I think we need to send communication material to the kids. As i said the near death of one of them might be due to an altercation with another. If we can remember them who is in charge and that there is repercussions to their actions this will not repeat itself."

"You should not be here." Said Markus without listening to her and standing up to force her out.

"If i may," said Sydney's always diplomatic voice, "she is the leading doctor of the project, maybe she should stay."

"Her part in it is done, the kids are alive and well. There is no radiation sickness." argued Kane while the other members of the Council stayed quiet.

"We can always use an extra mind. Plus, I believe she has a point: there is no sense in the kids starting to kill each other's and their safe return will allow this council to obtain much leeway with their families and friends."

Abby had no idea why Sydney was helping her but she doubted that it was for the reason she had said. She was one of those cunning politicians that spoke with silver words and promises and always wanted something in return for them at the most important moment.

It had been how she had risen to power as Chancellor and why she had not had more than one mandate when previous ones had had at least two. It was true that the series of strict regulations she had passed as Chancellor had been partly at fault too but she had always managed to balance her acts with the working class which was why she was now representing them at all non-official meetings.

Jaha knew that and apparently preferred to have her on his side because he allowed Abby to speak.

"I would like to propose sending an Engineer with enough qualifications to work, repair or rig radios and young enough to be trusted by the kids."

"One of my guys in short." Said Saint-Clair.

"Someone you trust well enough but still has ties to one of the kids. That last point would ensure that they did their most to keep the peace and contact us." Said Sydney.

"I-I know exactly who we can send. She is qualified, would listen to me and has every reason to get us down." Saint-Clair scratched his balding head and kept talking. "She is close to the kid that's been near death so if we explain why we want to communicate with them she would accept and i have been training her since she left the academy. I have helped her along her carrier, she owes me a great deal."

"What is her name?" asked Markus.

"Raven Reyes, orphaned, un-understood genius and impetuous but extremely loyal. To me."

Kane thought about it and could not remember a single report on the girl which meant that she had never stepped her toes into any trouble. Or hadn't been caught doing it. B

Sydney was wondering how she could get the girl to shift this loyalty from Saint-Clair to her then determined that as soon as this Raven had accomplished her role of linking the Ark to the kids she would no longer be relevant and let the matter drop.

Jaha tried to think of how to ensure the girls obedience beyond simple loyalty to her superior but soon came up empty and deviated to the moment he would see his son again.

Abigail was mentally thanking Saint-Clair with all she had, knowing the veteran Engineer had forwarded Reyes not because of her loyalty to him but because she and Abby knew each other's from the many time Raven had come in with burns, back pains and migraines. The girl would be as inclined to look out for her friend as she would be for Clarke.

The discussion shifted on how to send the girl down to the earth and it was decided to use one of the many escape pods from the original twelve stations. They were close to a hundred years old and in a precarious shape but by combining the joint efforts and resources of the Engineer team it would be possible to do it. Plus, if one successfully made the trip others could be sent too therefore saving more life from the tomb that would become the Ark in a few months.

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