Chapter 16

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Leksa, heda kom Kongeda was fuming. A messenger had just arrived with news that one of the Skaikru had been attacked by one of her people. It was not the fault of the warrior to whom belonged the spear really. The skat had entered the acid fog's range and per Leksa's orders the gona had driven them away.
What worried Leksa was that, in her future past, this had been the first conflict between Skaikru and Trikruu and had lead to retribution through the torture of Lincoln and then the attack on the Skaikru's camp. An attack that Clarke's attempt at peace talks could no longer prevent.

Turning to the messenger Leksa spoke in her most compelling Heda voice.

"Tend to the boy then explain to him why he was attacked. Once he is well enough release him near his camp. No more harm must befall him or any of his group."

The messenger bowed down and left the tower in a hurry. He needed to get back to TonDC as soon as possible to relay the orders. Lexa knew he would be given a fresh horse cut for speed and that he would arrive by sun rise to the village, then it would be Onya's turn.

Once again alone, Leksa turned to the throne room's balcony and looked at the city spread underneath her. The people were no bigger than ants and buildings and roads looked like a painting from so high up. On the horizon the sun was setting, coloring the sky with orange, red, purple and blue tones. Yet Leksa paid them no mind. All she could think about was a certain blonde women.

Klark, i beg of you, beja, do not react blinded with anger. I could not bear to loose you again in a war that has no need to be.

Leksa went back to her throne with memories of Clarke surging through her, her strength and compassion; her refusal to accept defeat; her scent and the taste of her lips; the brilliance of her smile and the depths of her eyes.
The ease Leksa felt with Klark was new to her. Her time with Costia was full of firsts for both of them, and Costia's murder by Azgeda's Haiplana left Leksa hollow. Until Klark came into her tent, fearless and impertinent, Leksa ignored all attempts by anyone to get closer. She was Heda, and no one could touch her. No one could ease her pain or salve her memories.
Klark changed all of that without trying, without doing anything except being herself. She questioned Leksa, challenged her, made her reexamine her prior consideration of every subject they touched. Slowly, the hollow in Leksa began to fill with Klark.

It terrified her.
So many things could happen. Everything could be destroyed before they even started or everything could go the way of the thoughts Leksa indulged for a few moments before sleep, dreaming of a possible happy future.
She ardently hoped the second would become more than a wish.

Before she fell asleep she made the reflection that the events were replaying themselves which meant that Klark did not remember her. She would have to court her all over again. No matter, she would be patient. For Klark. For the two of them.

Leksa = Lexa
Heda kom Kongeda = Commender of the Coalition
Skaikruu = Sky People
TonDC = Trikru village
Klark = Clarke
Beja = Please
Heda = Commander
Haiplana kom Azplana = Ice Nation's Queen

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