Chapter 40

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Here comes our favorite mechanic!

BTW looking for a title to give her, must sound Grounder-like and relate to her fiery destruction inclination.

Survive for Another Time

Chapter 40

Her head was spinning, her blood throbbing in her temples and her left eye was covered in something sticky. She had no idea if she had succeeded or if she was dead, having crashed on earth or burned on her entry in the atmosphere.

The pain in her head tended to make her think she still lived. After all, in the afterlife there was no pain, right?

With great efforts, she opened her eyes and closed them in a hurry at the blinding light that pierced them. More slowly this time she reopened them and looked around her.

Her immediate surrounding was that of the inside of her escape pod. She could easily recognize the board and metal frame she had helped restore for her mission. Then behind the front window she could see...

Was that a forest? And there, a river! And the sky! It was so blue!

Forgetting her mission, forgetting Finn and his injuries she fumbled in the pod until she pushed the door open and fell on the flat and round stones that made up the uneven bank of the river. She paddled to the shore and plunged her gloved hand in the water. Not being able to feel the wetness of it she fiddled with her space suit and unclasped it. The hiss of depressurization was heard and fresh air that didn't smell of metal but of something else, something purer, entered her lungs.

She let a laugh escape her and shed off the rest of the suit before once more touching the water. It was fresh, wet and she could feel the strength of its current pushing against her fingers. The flat stones on the river bank were hard but warmed by the sun. The feeling of the sun on her skin was incredible, it held a soft heat that blanketed her whole body.

"Miss Reyes! Come in! Miss Reyes! Do you receive? Please answer! Raven!"

Her mesmerizing was cut short by the radio in her pod coming to life. She immediately recognized Sinclair's voice and the urgency of it. She stumbled back to the crashed escape pod and took the radio in hand, switching the answering button.

"Raven Reyes reporting from the ground. I am fine, the pod is crashed through." Then losing her professionalism she said in wonder "you guys should see this place! It's amazing! The air smells and tastes nothing like I ever breathed before, the sun... It's so great!"

"I am glad you are alright Raven but you need to complete your mission." came Abigail's voice. "You didn't fell far from the kids but you will have to walk through the forest for a few hours. Go East-South and-"

"Wait! I think i'm hearing something!"

She strained her ears, trying to hear what had alleged her over the noise of the river and the static of the radio.

"What is it?" Dr. Griffin impatiently asked.

"It sounds like... people!" whispered Raven startled.

"It can only be the kids." was Sinclair's voice in the back ground.

"Go to them and get them to help you carry the material." instructed a third voice that Raven recognized as Marcus Kane's. "Then report back in once you reach their camp."

She turned towards the growing noises that came from the forest and started walking towards it. She was half way between the pod and the forest when she heard another noise that was new to her but that she still recognized from the old movies projected on special occasions.


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