Chapter 20

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Onya was pacing in front of Naiko's tent where the skai skat was being treated. His moans were audible throughout the village of TonDC and many gonas were complaining about the noise as for Trikru gona surpassing the pain was a mark of fortitude and the boy was obviously laking any.

If the boy was a example of Skaikru's tolerance to pain then the thirteenth clan, if what Heda Leksa had said was correct, had much to learn about surviving. Onya hoped the skat was an exception among his people as if he weren't then the Skai Prisa would be disappointing.

Oh, she had faith in Leksa and her visions of the future but she still worried. She saw how Leksa's eyes burned brightly whenever she talked passionately of the Skai Prisa, it was the same light that shone in the eyes of young and hardened gonas alike when they spoke of their houmon. Onya knew that somehow Leksa was enthralled with the Skai gada and worried how the Ambassadors and Titus would react when they realized it too.

Then there was what would happen afterwards that worried Onya. For now the actual arrival of the Skaikru had silenced the skeptics and the promise of the downfall of Maunde kept them agreeable but as soon as the common enemy of the twelve clans had fallen the Coalition would no longer have a reason to exist and the position of Heda would be threatened. Onya worried that being too close to the Skai Prisa would further endanger Leksa.

In the tent the moaning stopped, stilling Onya's pacing, and Naiko came out.

"He is awake."

Nodding silently Onya entered the tent and saw the Skai skat laying on a fur, his torso bandaged and his body shining under a layer of sweat. Hearing her enter the boy turned his head to her and she saw his eyes grow wide. Onya fought a smirk as she realized that she was still in her battle attire and war paints was still on her face.
The boy attempted to lift himself but the pain was too much and he tumbled back on the fur bed.

"Stay still." Ordered Onya. "You are gravely wounded."
"Y-You speak english..." was the boy's disbelieving  voice.

The boy had a confused expression and Onya, following Leksa's instructions to befriend Skaikruu spoke again.

"Yes, all gonas -warriors- speak english so they might understand the Maunon."
"The mountain men." explained the general with as much patience as if she was speaking to a child.
"Mountain men..." muttered the skat. "Mount Weather in inhabited!"

His exclamation and subsequent spasm owed him more pain and a snarl from Onya who duly noted that the Skaikru already knew about the Maunde and resolved to tell Leksa about it.

"What's gonna happen to me?" asked her the skai skat with fear evident in his voice.
"At sun rise you will be escorted back to you camp. With a message to your leader, the Skai Prisa."
"Who?" frowned Finn.
"The Sky Princess"
"We don't have princesses in the sky."

Now it was Onya's turn to frown. Wasn't Skai Prisa their princess and leader? If not that meant that the title was won fairly through actions rather than born with and if that was the case then maybe the gada Leksa was so infatuated with was worthy of Heda.

If only a little, she hoped.

"Oh, you mean Clarke!" Realized the skat with a frown.

Now that she had the Skai Prisa's name befriending her would be easier. She wondered how she would do so when a gona came in the tent to inform her in Trigedasleng that a riding messenger had arrived from Polis under Heda's order. The skat eyed the gona wearing furs, a war mask and an assortment of knives and a sword with fear and Onya had to hide another smirk as she saw her gona relish in the attention.

"I need to resume my duties. Stay and heal."

Without paying more attention to the skat Onya left the tent and went to the messenger who was receiving water and food to relieve himself of the tension of the high speed nightly ride. The woman bowed to her and handed the message over.

As she read it Onya permitted herself a smile. She had perfectly predicted her Heda's orders and was glad to see that even after years apart she still understood her Seken.

Onya = Anya
Skai = Sky
Skat = Boy
Trikru = Tree People
Gona = Warrior
Heda = Commander
Leksa = Lexa
Skai Prisa = Sky Princess
Houmon = Spouse
Skai Gada = Sky Girl
Skaikruu = Sky People
Maunde = Mountain
Maunon = Mountain Man
Klark = Clarke
Trigedasleng = Native language of the Tree clan
Polis = Coalition Capital
Seken = Second/Apprentice

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