Chapter 8

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On the side of the clearing Clarke and Wells stood looking at a map.

"That's not good."
"You're right Wells. We landed far away from the original landing site. If we want to go to mount weather we will have to hike."
"We will need food and water. Especially if we can't enter the complex right away. Or if there is nothing left there. Plus if there is life on the planet that means that there is animals too. Herbivores and carnivores. One will have been frightened by our arrival and we can eat, the other..."
"So weapons then?" said the dark skinned boy with a sight.
"And protection for the night."
"We have the ship." proposed Wells.
"Too small. We will have to use tents."
"But, won't they be exposed?"
"That's why we need to make a barricade. We will use the fallen trees. All we need is people to do it."
"Okay, let me talk to them."

Wells was already walking when he heard his blonde friend call him back.

"Don't take this the wrong way but... You're a Jaha, you're the son of the man who ordered us locked up and has floated countless people. They are more likely to beat to death you than listen to you. Especially now that there are no more guards."
"Oh... I see."

The teenager was hurt by the blunt way his friend had told him so. He let a nervous laugh out and gesture for Clarke to go first.

"Of course, you're right. It's better if you speak."

The two of them went to the drop ship and Clarke whistled, attracting everyones attentions including Finn's who was tinkering with his electronic bracelet, Octavia and Bellamy who were hugging under a tree and Murphy whos sight latched onto Wells and a sneer crept up on his face.

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