Chapter 26

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"If your people wish to the Council will trade and share the Ark's knowledge many of which that i am sure you will find interesting." Started Clarke with as much confidence as she could. "For example the Ark have access to medical equipment and procedures that i am sure you lack or have forgotten."

Triss shifted at this and Onya knew that she too had perceived this point as a sleight. Their fisas were competent and saved many lives on the battlefield. Klark kom Skaikru seemed to understand her mistake as she gave a reassuring smile and corrected herself.

"I am not saying your Doctors are lacking, just that we have different ways of healing people than you do and they might interest you. I dabble in the healing arts myself and know that i would be interested in learning new ways and would jump on the occasion of broadening my abilities to save lives."

This time it was Triss who nodded her ascent and signaled for Klark kom Skaikru to continue while Onya took an interest in how the Skai Prisa kept mentioning the Ark as a third party, as if she was negotiating in behalf of it rather than for herself.

"Another interesting thing would be plumbing and manual pumping systems that would allow for water to be taken from deep underneath the soil as well as permitting the distribution of warm water in bulk. The Ark also has access to mass manufacturing, farming and processing technology as well as products of the Lost World such as machinery."
"I will admit that what you are talking about is interesting however such... mass production of items and food would destroy our economy and suppress many jobs." rejected Onya.
"Not if you set a maximum amount." countered Clarke. "If you were to make a peace and trade treaty with the Ark with stipulations on what to trade and how much at what time you could have the sturdiest and most detailed cloths possible with the weakest wool for your tailors, seasonal food all year long even during draught or bad harvest or the purest and most resistant metals for your black smiths."

Clarke could see that Anya was truly thinking about it and expected her to only need a push towards to right direction.

"Then there is technologies requiring electricity  such as medical facilities like i said before, or radios that could make urgent communications instantaneous, freezers that can preserve food for longer durations even in the hottest days of summer, lights so one can see in the dark and so many more things."
"You do not propose your noizy weapons in your deal."

Onya turned towards Triss who had spoken without authorization and glared at her. It was not the place of a Seken to speak during such political talks without permission. Through the question was valid and she expected an answer. Something that she made the Skai Prisa aware by fixing her expectantly. The blond nodded and smiled at Triss once again.

"I did not for two reasons. The first is because i did not think you were interested in them as like you say they are nosy and depend on ammunitions that we would have the monopole of and the second because i am convinced the Ark would refuse to share their weapons with you: the council and the guards are too used to control and will want to reproduce this shema here."
"You do not place much faith in this Council." stated Onya.
"I have none and foresee that as soon as they land they will attempt to bring all of us back into their clutches by force or by using the members of our families that remained with them against us if needed. Some of us have lost too much because of their secrets, to their laws and will not want to return to them so long as the current Council and Chancellor are in place and that their society is a tyranny."
"What do you intend to do."
"If our peace talks succeed i intend to seek permission to expand our camp into a village where any Arkers willing to leave the council behind would live and set it as an in between for Trikruu and the Ark. This would be where all the sharing and learning would happen and would be a trial run to see if both our people can live in continued peace."

Around them the delinquents were whispering, surprised by how Clarke already had a solution to their situation. they were reliefed to have a choice other than returning to the Ark under the influence of the people that sent them to their death or living on their own in the wield. Some were saying that Clarke had their back, others that they were glad she included their families but a few were still worried to depend on the Ark and futurely the Earthborns and become their in-betweens. Octavia who was following everything Clarke said was scared that if one side decided to start a war they would be caught in the crossfire of the comflict.

"I am surprised." Truthfully said Onya bringing back the silence. "You are so young and obviously in-experimented i the way of politics yet you do not lack ideas and a vision for the future. It is apparent now that you were born to lead your people in this day."

What Onya had said was one of the highest compliment a Trikru leader could make to another and was a show of great respect that Clarke recognized for what it was. She bowed her head low in acknowledgement and muttered a shy 'thank you'.

This idea of sharing medicinal knowledge had come from her past future, when in the three months she was away from Camp Jaha her mother had cured the Ripa from the Red, the drug that the Maunon used to make them into monstrous puppets, and had taught Naiko how to do it while she herself learned how to benefit from the different plants and their components that the earth offered. Pumping and plumbing had become essential knowledge according to Marcus when Camp Jaha had expended into Arkadia and housing and a well fro fresh water was built.
As for the mass production of items and food Clarke knew that it would be impossible without all stations landing safely on the ground and both their workers and machinery functional, a task she intended to complete, but she was also conscious that their trade could not limit itself to Monty's Moonshine even if it would please the two boys if it were the case.

"Klark kom Skaikru," said Anya solemnly, "you have answered all my questions and beyond with only honesty and have revealed a great deal about your people including the truth that they might become a threat. Heda will learn of this, it shall not go unrewarded. Heda is just and kind to her friends and the friends of her people. You have been nothing but friendly."
"Thank you, Onya kom Trikru, for your words."
"Pro. Now that my curiosity has been satisfied, maybe it is time to answer yours."

Onya = Anya
Fisa = Healer
Klark kom Skaikru = Clarke fron the Sky People
Skai Prisa = Sky Princess
Seken = Second
Trikru = Tree People
Ripa = Murderer
Red = Name of a drug
Maunon = Mauntain Men
Heda = Commander
Pro = Your Welcome

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