Chapter 4

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Abigail Griffin was a doctor, a council women and a mother.

As a healer she had to chose who to save on a daily basis because of the limited and rationed medical supplies of the Ark.
As a council women she was aware of the calamity that had befallen the last sanctuary of mankind.
And as a mother she had to watch her daughter be emprisoned for her own good.

She was the one who had denounced Jake Griffin's intention to reveal the air system malfunction and had gotten him floated, she had been the one to propose her daughter to be part of the 100 sent to the ground and for this Clarke had hated her for a long time.

However things had changed now. Clarke herself had to go though equally difficult decisions. As a healer herself she had to kill Atom, Octavia's first romantic interest, as the unofficial leader of the 100 she had to order the death of more than 300 of Lexa's warriors, kill Finn, shoot Dante Wallace in cold blood and eradicate the hundreds innocents living in the Mountain, including their friends and allies while as a women she had to constantly battle her growing feelings for Lexa in order to remain unbiased.
In this last aspect she had failed. Spectacularly so.
But she did not regret it.

It was those trials that had made Clarke finally forgive her mother. She had understood that just like her, Abby had to take a decision that teared her heart apart and made her feel... unclean.

Lexa had been there for Clarke when she had been alone and felt undeserving.
Lexa had defended Clarke in front of her entire tribe including those that were her close councilors such as Indra.
Lexa had accepted her with her darkness and her doubts, aiding her grow into the leader she believed Clarke had been born to be.
Lexa had embraced her. Fully.

Her mother did not have a Lexa.
No, to be true, her mother had had a Lexa.
His name was Jake Griffin and she had him floated. It was worst than anything Clarke had to go through, including killing Finn.

Clarke, realizing how alone her mother must have been, felt the need of seeing her, of telling her that she understood and forgave her.

Taking care of the two un-expecting guards was easy. A punch in the throat here and a kick in the spleen there and they were on the floor, catching their breath and frozen by the pain.

She bolted through the door and ignoring the spectacle of the guards taking prisoners here and there in the immense prison , turned to her mother.

Before she had the time to speak Abigail drew her daughter in a hug and whispered in her ears, telling her in a strained voice that she would be going to the ground, to be strong and to survive until their arrival then she felt a prick in her neck and lost consciousness.

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