Chapter 34

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Raven accepted the job immediately when she learned it would reunite her with Finn, her best and oldest friend, the one who had taken care of her at her lowest, her confident and her lover. She was briefed on the project to return to the earth and of the success of the first part with the hundred minor criminals. Her blood boiled when she learned that they had essentially been sent to their death and that the coordinators couldn't even land them at the right coordinates and left them in a hostile environment.

Sitting in her two-room apartment Raven packed a backpack with the few pictures she had of her family, the bird necklace Finn had given her for her last birthday and some of her personal tools. If she was to die, she would die with them as they had become a part of her. Plus, she might need them once down on the ground.

She had one more day before she was to leave the Ark forever and had been invited to eat at Saint-Clair's. She knew the man thought of her like a daughter and she saw him as the father that had always been refused to her. He had been there for her in her years in the academy when she couldn't understand a thing the teachers said and had helped her through her parent's death alongside Finn. She owed his much and was aware of it.

Raven wasn't blind, she knew why the Council wanted her down. They had sent a hundred kids to a forced suicide mission with no expectation of success and now had to deal with the political results. Their attempt to contact the hundred, as she had taken to calling them, was a blatant try at getting them back under their thrall. Raven wanted no part in it. She would get to earth, get to Finn, give the radio to whomever was top dog and be done with it. Their problem, not hers.

When she arrived at Saint-Clair's place she was surprised to see Dr. Griffin in the living room.

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