Chapter 43

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The room was silent, every councilman was thinking over the events that had transpired since Raven's last report. They knew she had reached Earth, they knew she was alive albeit suffering a concussion after a few hours of unconsciousness, they knew that the concussion couldn't have killed her otherwise she wouldn't have woken in the first place, they knew that she had heard people coming to her. And that was it. They knew a lot but it was still not enough.

If it had been the kids that Raven had heard, then why weren't they answering to their calls on the radio? Did they no longer care for the ark since they had landed? Did they grow to recent the rigid and law abidingness of the Council after tasting the carefree and bountiful Earth? If so then Abi could already see Markus and Theolonius reining them in by force and she feared how much blood would be shed through this reminder of who was in charge.

Or did someone else get to Raven? That option was far more dreadful. It was probably why none of the Councilmen seemed to want to believe in it, Abigail included, but it explained how one of the adolescents got deadly hurt and why Raven nor the kids were contacting them.

If someone else than their children was on Earth then the recolonization of the planet would be transformed from a civilian operation lead by Diana Sydney's people to a militarized one with Markus Kane in charge. Both of which were thick headed individuals. Abi could already see the complications resulting from such a situation.

With all her might she prayed that the locals were not aggressive but since the apparently painful and unexplained death of two of the kids the previous day she had very low expectations. Right now, all she could think about was Clarke. She hoped that she would stay safe and sound with the others and that whatever was threatening the group was defeated soon, preferably by someone other than Clarke.

Theolonius seemed to have similar preoccupations, she could see it in his eyes, behind the political façade and the neutral expression that he presented the council. For he was a parent just like her and, although they came from very different background, she understood him better than anyone. They had both lost a spouse, were both missing a child and doing their best for their people and their living legacy.

Abigail saw him turn to Markus and she knew that somehow the two men had taken a decision with that look. It wouldn't surprise her if the two had had a pre-meeting in order to manipulate the direction of the talks. Abi herself had been part of those secret gatherings more than once due to her closeness with Theolonius. Her supposition was confirmed when the Chancellor took a long breath to center himself and spoke.

"We will try to reach the ground team every hour for five minutes, in the meantime the next dropship will hold three squadrons of Guards more than planned, they will replace a squadron of workers, scientists and doctors. Moreover, the other squadrons left will have to respect the rules set by the Lieutenant in charge, provide rapid but proper shelter and pass them in priority for health care and provisions."

As the councilmen were nodding at his words Abigail examined Diana whose face was set in stone but hands were hidden underneath the table and Sinclair who was openly displaying a mix of relief for his people's safety and annoyance to once again be under the thrall of the Guards.

The meeting ended soon afterwards, Markus made a list of things they would need to add or retrieve from the dropship to better prepare the future ground base. It involved an extra generator, spiked and wired mesh for the walls, extra ammunitions and weapons as well as body armors for the guards and more protein based food.

In the end, Abi left the council room with cold in her veins. Her kid was possibly in danger and the Council's only answer was to use their predicament to make the recolonization a military endeavor. It was so typical of them that it was not even funny. She reached her small one bedroom and kitchenette living space that she had been given after saving Jaha as her reward and threw herself on the bunk bed. Her eyes closed she did her best to get some sleep but all she could see was Clarke's expression when she had been told she would go to the Earth.

It was like she knew, like she had been expecting it and, considering her late behavior in her cell, as if she had been preparing for it.

Abi had thought lengthy for an explanation to this and she came to the conclusion that someone aware of the expedition had made her daughter into a political peon. Someone with enough access and power to know about the project, the reason why Jake died, with enough oratory skill to turn her daughter's anger towards Jaha and his council into motivation and also probably the same person that had had Bellamy Blake, the still unfindable ex-guard, shoot the Chancellor. But more than anything she knew that peons were disposable pieces of a game and feared for Clarke's life.

Her most obvious suspect was Markus Kane as he was the one to take over if the Chancellor died of criminal cause as per his function of Chief of Security but like she had said, he was the most obvious one and therefore the less likely. Moreover, he was a follower, a soldier that needed a leader and Jaha was that leader. No, Kane was a dud. Which left Sydney. Her recent return in the political scene was too coincidental just like her inclination to support Abi in sending someone else down.

Yes, Abi thought, Diana was surely hiding something.

And she would find out what.

I am so sorry guys!

I know I said I could see the reunion and I do but it will take some more chapters before it happens.

All in order to set my plot and develop the characters, I swear!

This is in no case me screwing with you!

Well, maybe a little bit…
Also, i was pretty occupied with the exam perriod so late post
Sorry, enjoy!

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