Chapter 39

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Six other person were missing from camp, three were found in the very cave Bellamy had taken refuge the first time around by Lincoln, two had been taken by the fog and had died holding hands, their identical bracelets identified them as a couple which was both horrible and comforting as they shared their last moment of suffering together. Finally, the last individual's location was still unknown.

Clarke had had to bandage a hand and an arm from those who had stayed in the cave. She had been assisted by Charlotte who had been strong in the face of the chemical burns. When she had explained that the burns would leave scars the two wounded had been ecstatic, saying that now they two had their war scars. Their reaction had made Clarke smile sadly, fully knowing that as soon as Mount Weather truly meddled with their stay at the foot of the mountain then they would be less enthralled by the idea of war.

Then came the moment to take care of the dead couple. Miller and Wells wanted to bury them, Clarke, knowing that the grounder would believe that they were trapping their soul, forbidding them from reincarnating, proposed to burn them.

"That way their ashes will mingle with the wind and travel the entire Earth. They will also be together."

With this, the argument was won by Clarke and a giant funeral fire was prepared. An entire tree had to be felled and cut down for it. Gratefully Clarke didn't know any of them personally. Still she remembered the boy from the couple as the one who had taken the throwing blade in his head from the grounder scouts when they had tried to flee camp the first time around.

As for the girl, she didn't have a clue. Maybe she had died in the battle with the three hundred warriors sent by Lexa, maybe he was pumped for her bone marrow by the Mountain Men or maybe she was present to the end, all the way to the final day of Clarke's first life, to that fateful day where Skaikru and Kongeda entered in war.

It didn't really matter. All she knew was that both of them should have lived longer but had been outside camp at the worst moment. Because they thought themselves safe. Because her behavior had lulled them into a wrong sense of security.

Those two lives were not the only loss for the camp. Their food store had been destroyed by the acid fog and the traps who, even if they had worked, had only forced their prey to face the fog and die their flesh burnt were now useless because all game had fled the surrounding area as soon as they saw the fog arrive.

The pelts were safe through as they had been stored in the drop ship. This had been Clarke's only comfort as she wanted those pelts for their first real trade with Trikru and as proof that they were dependable and wouldn't be a burden on the Kongeda.

Lincoln had been a real help. He had been the one to warn the Arkers of the danger of the fog and convince them to take refuge therefore saving their lives in the process, he had lead several research teams for those that were still in the woods when the fog lifted and had helped cut wood for the funeral. So when Clarke saw him sitting near the fire alone and doing his best not to pay attention to the looks of wariness and curiosity the Arkers were sending him she decided that it was time for her to properly welcome and thank him.

"I would offer you food as thanks for all you've done for our people but I'm afraid we have none left." she said as she sat.

"I understand." was his cool reply.

"Still, you saved my people. We owe you a great debt. If there is anything we can do, even with the few things we have got, we will do it" affirmed Clarke.

"I require nor want anything."

"Then I will give you information: her name is Octavia, she has a brother who is very protective but she shows each day that she does not need his protection" said Clarke smiling as she saw Lincoln tense at her words. "She is very interested in learning how to fight and hunt but she also liked seeing the phosphorous plants, wanted to swim in the river and has never seen a butterfly in her life."

Lincoln was now looking at her with wide eyes, wondering why the Skai Prisa would encourage him to court with one of her people.

"Don't look so upset Linkon Kom Trikru, you are not that easy to read. I am simply a master at longing and distant love."

Linkon watched the eyes of Klark kom Skaikru as she looked into the fire and saw that her mind was far away, to whomever had her heart. He wondered what kind of person could have obtained the love of the prophesied leader of the future thirteenth clan and decided that it had to be someone as great as her.

His attention was taken away from the wheat haired Skaikru to the one who had obtained his love with a single look.


Leaving the Skai Prisa to her own nostalgia Linkon stood and went to seat next to the brown haired and wild tempered women he had felt attracted to since the first time he had seen her.

"Skai Prisa tells me you wish to learn how to swim."

Octavia smiled shyly at the man and Lincoln eyes shone with an inner light at the spectacle that offered itself to him.

"I would love too!"

Skaikru = Sky People

Kongeda = Coalition

Trikru = Tree People

Skai Prisa = Sky Princess

Linkon kom Trikru = Lincoln of the Tree People

Klark kom Skaikru = Clarke of the Sky People

Okteivia = Octavia

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