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I stared at myself in the mirror, disgust in my eyes. How could I let this happen to me? How could I let him do this to me?
From the neck down, I looked completely normal. Small, thin body. 'Petite' as I like to call it.
But once you get to my face, you can tell things are wrong. My hair is fine, still jet black and hanging in its natural waves. But there is a cut going up my cheek, and my once blue eyes are now tired and bloodshot, a black ring forming around the right eye because of what just happened.

I couldn't take any of his shit any longer.

I brought my hand up to my eye and cheek, letting out a small sob. As I looked at myself I started so cry, more and more, until I was in a state, led on the bathroom floor. My mind has been emotionless for years now, since I met him. I've just blocked everything out. This was the first time I had shown any emotion, let alone this strong of one, in years.
I cried for all the years I've been stuck here,
All the years he's abused me, took advantage of me,
All the years I've believed Reece loved me,
All the years I loved him,
All the years I spent seperate from my friends.
From JJ.


I pulled myself up, thinking. Where would Reece hide my phone? I turned the flat upside down, looking for it. I needed to find it, and quick.
Reece was at the pub, I had around an hour to call for help and get out of here.

A small drawer In the kitchen above the fridge caught my attention. It's bound to be in there, it's somewhere out of my reach, out of the way.
I jumped up onto the counter, leaning onto the fridge to keep my balance. I tugged at the drawer. Nothing. It was locked. Shit.
I was still determined to get out, more determined than ever.

I ran into the small cupboard, pulling out Reece's toolbox, and grabbed the hammer. Perfect. I ran back into the kitchen, hauled myself back onto the counter and smashed at the drawer with all of my strength. I gave one last huge whack, and the lock broke, the drawer swinging open. I looked inside and there was my phone. Happiness swirled through my body as I grabbed the phone and held it to my chest, hugging it.

As I tried to get on it, a thought occurred to me. What the fuck was my passcode? I hadn't been on this in over a year, Reece has kept it away from me.
1995 I typed in, hoping it would be my birth year. Incorrect.
2016? Incorrect.
2011? The year my parents died. Correct.

I squealed as I was greeted with my phone unlocking, and smiled at my home screen. It was a picture of me and my best friend JJ at the beach a few years ago. I was on his back, a ice cream in one hand and gripping JJ with the other so I didn't fall off. The photo was taken mid laugh, so we were both smiling and looking happy. I smiled at the memory of that day.
As I clicked onto my contacts, a new thought popped into my head. What if he changed his number? I clicked on his contact and rung him, holding my breath and crossing my fingers.
"Hello?" JJ answered.
At the sound of his voice I started sobbing. It had been around a year since I've spoke to him.
Reece cut me off from everyone.

"Ella? Is this really you? Why are you crying?" JJ questioned.
"It is me" I mumbled through sobs.
"Oh my god! I'm so happy to speak to you again!" JJ squealed.
"But why are you crying?" He questioned again.
"You need to help me!" I said urgently, snapping into action.
"Why what's wrong?" JJ said protectively. He's always been extremely protective of me.
"It's reece, I'll explain later but you need to get here as quick as you can" I told him.
"I'm on my way" JJ said, it sounded like he was already in a car.
"Thank you" i whispered.
All I could do now was sit and wait.

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