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"Can we talk?" Simon asks me, sitting opposite me in the living room.
"What do you want?" I sigh.
I was still incredibly angry and upset with Simon after what he done, but in the back of my mind I know still love him, and I can't help that.

"What happened at Freya's and Josh's engagement party. Ella seriously, I don't even remember what happened. Please trust me. I remember seeing her there at the party, and I tried to stay away from her, but that's girls a fucking leech.
She tried to kiss me, but I pushed her off, I swear I did. I don't remember much else honestly, I drank one more beer and then I was completely out, don't remember anything after that. When I woke up in bed with Rosie, I was shocked and very angry at myself. I would never do anything like that, to anyone I love, and I love you Ella, I really do." Simon said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Is because you were too fucking drunk that's why you don't remember a thing! And that doesn't excuse the fact you cheated on me, I mean a kiss is understandable, not good, but understandable and forgivable if you're extremely drunk. But sex, Simon, seriously? Surely you would've been thought of me in the back of your mind somewhere, knowing what you were doing was wrong?" I spit angrily, tears threatening to spill.
"I don't remember anything, I didn't know what I was doing!" Simon said defending himself.
"That's the fucking point Simon, you don't remember anything. Not even your own fucking girlfriend when your banging another girl!" I shout at him, getting angry.
Simon sits silently for a few seconds, taking in what I had just said.

"Why can't you understand I love you? I've been through hell these past weeks, seeing you upset all because of me. You've been completely ignoring me and it's ripping by heart into shreds. If that's not bad enough, everyone else has been off with me as well, all of them pissed off at me. I haven't even spoken to JJ since that day, and I live with him! He's one of my closest friends and now he hates me, like everyone else. I know I fucked up badly and I'm hurting just as much. But Ella, I love you " Simon says.

"Your hurting just as much? Try being on my end you bitch! I think what hurts the most is when you give your all to someone. Through thick and thin, you stick with them and your there for them no matter what. Then one day, they give up on you, they just throw everything you had away. The one thing you would have never of done, they don't without hesitation. Simon, I still have feelings for you, no matter how many times I tell myself I'm better off without you a part of me won't let you go. But you've hurt me, left me in so much pain. So is it really worth it? I'm sorry Simon, but your actions are louder than your words" I say, and by the time I'm finished I'm sobbing. Simon has a tear in his eye as he just nods at me, and leaves the room.

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