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I wake up, gasping and clutching the duvet. I had another nightmare about Reece again. Just thinking about him makes my stomach tie into a knot , and makes me feel ill. I pick up my phone and glance at the time; 8:47. I sigh, pulling the covers off myself and hauling myself up. There's no way that I'll be able to sleep again now. 

I walk into the kitchen, trying not to wake any of the boys. I look around the kitchen thoughtfully. I have around 3 hours before they all wake up, enough time to make them the best fucking breakfast they've ever had, a thank you for letting me stay at their house.

2 and a half hours later

I look at the island, full off food. Pancakes stacked up high oozing with melted chocolate and strawberries, waffles, differant kinds of berries, toast, bacon, egg. Literally anything that's breakfast-y material. I smile to myself, proud of the spread that I've just laid out.

Now I just have to haul their lazy asses out of bed.

I smile to myself as i grab two frying pans and two normal pans, quietly walking up to JJ's room.
"JJ wake up" I half whisper to him, shaking him.
"What do you want?" He says pulling me under the covers with him for a hug.
When people see me and Jide they assume we're a couple, but we're just extremely close. We would never ever date, it would be like Dating your brother or sister.
"I got a plan" I whisper to him, grinning to myself evily.

5 minutes later me and JJ are marching outside of the others rooms, banging the pots and pans together.
"Wake up guys" I shout at the top of my lungs.
"Wake up mothafuckaaaas" JJ shouts even louder.
Josh, Simon and Vik all emerge from their rooms, looking annoyed but also quite amused.
"I have something waiting down here for you guys" I say to them, running down the stairs.
They all come down the stairs, still moaning about being woken up.

"Hold fuck Ella you've been busy" Vik says as he walks into the kitchen. The others follow behind him, their eyes huge.
"Wow this is the only reason why your my best friend" JJ says, sitting at the island, piling food into his plate.
"Can't you be my best friend now?" Josh pleads, also filling up his plate.
I just laugh at their reactions.

Half an hour later all of the food has been devoured.
"Can you do that every morning? And lunch? And dinner?" Simons asks looking over at me, his blue eyes looking right into mine.
"Maybe if you guys are nice" I wink at them.
"Best behaviour guys now" Vik says pointing at all of them. We all laugh.

"So what's happening today then?" I ask no one in particular.
"Well the others are coming over in like a hour" Josh says.
"The others?" I say, confused.
"Yeah the other sidemen" Simon says, looking over at me.
"There's more of you? I've only just got hang of your names and who you are!
JJ is JJ, Josh is the beard, Simons tall and viks the cute one" I say, half moaning half laughing.
"Is that all I am to you? A beard?"Josh says laughing at me.
"I'm happy with my one. I'm cute AF" Vik says batting his eyelashes.
"Fuck off vik, I'm the cute one ent I Ella" Simon questions looking over at me with a wink.
"Shit I got you guys mixed up, Simons the cute AF one and Viks like 7 foot" I laugh, along with the others.
I can see JJ frowning at me and Simon from the other end of the island. Weird.

I'm playing Fifa with the rest of the guys when the doorbell goes off.
"I got it" Vik says jumping up.
I run quickly over to JJ, and grab his hand.
"It's fine Ella, they're all nice" JJ whispers to me.
"I know but I'm still shy and nervous" I whisper back.
"Just be yourself, they'll love you" Simon buts in, obviously listening to our convocation.

Three other guys walk in along side Vik, all of them attractive. Why didn't JJ tell me that all his friends were extremely good looking? There was a blonde one with blue eyes that kind of looked liked Simon, a smaller dark skinned one wearing a hat and a gingery haired one with lovely eyes.

"Ella this is Harry, Tobi and Ethan. Guys this is Ella"
"Hello" I said shyly.
"Are you JJ's girl?" Harry asked, obviously seeing us close together.
"Nope" I reply
"Viks?" He askes
"Are you Joshs sideHoe then?" He laughs.
I look over to Josh in pretend shock, staring at him.
"You bastard I thought I was your number one" I laugh, joking around with him. The others laugh as well. I stare at Ethan.
"That... Was fucking amazing" I laugh even more, making him laugh again.

We were all sat around playing Fifa, again. These boys really liked Fifa.
"Did you know that Ella didn't know who the sidemen were" Josh says randomly.
"What? You didn't watch my videos" Tobi says pretending to cry.
"Nope I've never seen any of your videos, or any YouTube videos really" I say. They all stare at me in horror.
"What did you even do then? I can't think of anything else to do but watch YouTube and make videos" Ethan said.
I squirm uncomfortably. What was I supposed to say? That I was locked in a room all day with nothing to do while my boyfriend cheated on me, then when he came back be abused by him then raped?
JJ could sense that I was feeling uncomfy  with the convocation.
"Guys leave her alone" he said sharply.
"JJ caring about anyone but himself? I can't believe it" Harry said.
"I'm a nice person" JJ said smugly.
Everyone laughed, including me.
I love these guys already.

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