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"Guys we only have about an hour, we really need to move" I say to the guys in the car with me; Josh, Freya and JJ.
"Ella I'm going as fast as I can! The rain is flooding everywhere so it's taking twice as long"Josh sighs.
"We all want to get to him to" JJ murmurs.
"Your not the one who's madly in love with Simon, just letting him move to another pet of the country, letting him think he's cheated on you and that you hate him, when he's actually been drugged!" I shout.
"Okay, calm down Ella." JJ says hugging me close.

We all jump out the car, madly looking around. Vik and Kay run over from their car after parking at the airport.
"Any sign of him?" Vik asks worriedly.

Someone tall, wearing a sidemen clothing top gets my attention.
"Guys he's there!" I gasp, starting to run.
"Shall we go to?" Kay asks.
"Let them have their moment" JJ says softly.
I run as fast as I can to the figure in the distance. I squint my eyes, trying to see through the horrendous rain, and the darkening sky's.
"Simon!" I shout to him, but the rain drowns out my cries. I furiously run, trying to stop him entering the airport. Once he's in past the barriers there's no getting him back.
"Simon!" I scream one last time. My lungs are burning and my legs feel like jelly.
He turns round, his eyes widening when he sees me.

"Simon, you can't go!" I breathe, stopping just before him. I must look a sight, my hairs a mess, my clothes soaked through and my makeup dribbling down my face. But at this moment I don't care, the man I love is here, in front of me.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"You can't leave me Simon! I love you, more than I have ever loved anyone. It hurts how much I love you. Every relationship has its problems, but what makes this one perfect is that you still want to be with me, through everything. I'm scared of letting you back because of how much you mean to me simon. You mean more to me than anyone else ever has. I think about you all the time, your the only thing I want, only thing I need." I say, sobbing now. Simons looking at me, tears in his eyes.

"Every day I would fight the urge to text you, talk to you or call you. But then I would tell myself that if you wanted to talk to me you would call me yourself" his voice cracks with emotion.
"And I miss you Ella. Not in a cheesy way,not lest hold hand and be together forever kind of way. I just miss you. I miss your presence in my life, just being next to me. I'm not perfect, I'll piss you off, say stupid things then take it all back. But aside from all that, you will never find anyone who cares about you or loves you more than me" Simon breathes. He steps closer to me, wiping the tears off my face with his thumbs.

"I look at you and I still get butterfly's in my stomach, even though I see you every day. I see you, Simon, and I see the rest of my life" I breathe, looking into his eyes. He looks back into mine, brething deeply. He steps even closer to me and our lips connect. The rain is still pouring down hard, and we're both socked through. At this point we don't even care. Fireworks are set off throughout my body and energy that hasn't been there in months suddenly washes over me, seeming to take me off my feet.

 Fireworks are set off throughout my body and energy that hasn't been there in months suddenly washes over me, seeming to take me off my feet

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Simons POV
As we break apart we smile at each other.  The rain catches on Ella's lashes, making drops run down her face. Her mascara is running down her face and her hair Is completely soaked. I look at her, taking in her beauty.
"I love you" she whispers
"I love you too" I say, with meaning.
Clapping from behind us makes us turn around. Everyone is there, stood grinning. Most of the girls are crying and even JJ has a tear in his eye.
She looks over to them, grinning, yet tears are sliding down her face. I hug her, tightly, as if she was going to leave again. We all walk back to the cars in silence, but it's a comfortable silence. I hold Ella's hand, overwhelmed with emotion.

I love her, and that's the beginning and the end of everything.

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