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"Is he going to be okay?" We all half shout the receptionist on the desk of the hospital. She looks a bit bewildered, with 6 men and 2 girls standing around her, demanding to know how some other guy was.
"Simon Minter? He's in surgery now, there's no telling yet how he will be, how his body will react. The bullet was close to his heart" the woman says, reading the information off the screen.
As we all go sit down I sob into JJ's arms.
"This is all my fucking fault" I sob
"No it's not, it's Reece's  fault. It's definitely not your fault" Ethan says, reassuring me.
"This is absolutely mental, fucking mental" Harry says to no one I particular.
"You alright Freya?" Vik asks. Freya is cuddling Josh with her face buried into his chest, crying. Ever since she saw Simon after he has been shot she had been quiet.
"There was a loud bang, I ran inside. There was Simon, on the floor. The blood... His chest... His face" Freya sobbed even harder.
"I can't imagine what it must've been like for you guys seeing him, especially Ella, Josh and JJ, seeing it happen right in front their eyes. I would've been sick" Tobi says.
"I nearly was" I mumbled.
"What if he doesn't make it? Me and him were in a fight, I've said some horrible things to him lately. I don't want him to think I'm still mad at him" JJ whispers l, then buries his face into my neck, crying.

"Are you guys here for Mr Minter?" A nurse asks us.
"Yeah" we all say, jumping up. It was 3 am now and we were all wide awake with nerves and anticipation.
"Well Mr Minter has had the bullet removed from his chest. He has been put into an induced coma, to relieve stress off his heart while he's getting better. There was a 90% change of a faliure if we didn't induce him, which is why we did so.
All 8 of us breath a sigh of relief. Of course its still not good, but at least Simons alive.
"Can we go see him?" I ask the nurse, eager to see him for myself.
"Yes you can, follow me"

We all walk into Simons room, looking at him. He looks so pale and peaceful. He doesn't look like he's just gone through probably the most traumatic thing that will ever happen to him.
"Can he hear us, sometimes when people are put into comas they can still hear you" Vik asks
"It's highly likely that he can hear you, and respond to you" the nurse says.
I walk over to Simon and sit in the chair beside him, holding his hand.
"Hello Simon" I whisper into his ear. The machine attached to him starts to make a funny sound.
"His heart rate went up when you touched him and spoke to him, he responds extremely positively to you" the nurse smiles at me.
"Okay that's adorable" Freya mutters from the corner of the room.
"And how long will Simon be in a coma?" JJ asks.
Simons heart machine changes again. The nurse goes over to inspect it, she frowns over at JJ.
"Simon is extremely anxious around you, scared even. The feeling has to be pretty strong for it to come up on the monitor" the nurse says, still frowning.
JJ breaths deeply. "I know" he mumbles sadly.
"So how long will he be in here?" Josh asks
"He should wake up in around a week, then he can go home" the nurse says, walking out.

I spent the next week hardly leaving Simons room, just talking to him.
"Would you like anything to eat?" JJ asks
"I'm good thanks" I reply. I watch all the other sidemen leave the room to go down to the food court. I start to tap my foot, then sing to Simon.

I wanna sleep next to you
But that's all I wanna do right now
And I wanna come home to you
But home is just a room full of my safest sounds
Cause you know that I can't trust myself with my 3AM shadow
I'd rather fuel a fantasy than deal with this alone

I wanna sleep next to you
But that's all I wanna do right now
So come over now and talk me down

I wanna hold hands with you
But that's all I wanna do right now
And I wanna get close to you
Cause your hands and lips still know their way around
And I know I like to draw that line, when it starts to get too real
But the less time that I spend with you, the less you need to heal

I wanna sleep next to you
But that's all I wanna do right now
So come over now and talk me down
(talk me down)

So if you don't mind, I'll walk that line
Stuck on the bridge between us
Gray areas and expectations
But I'm not the one if we're honest, yeah
But I wanna sleep next to you
And I wanna come home to you
I wanna hold hands with you
I wanna be close to you

I sing the last lyrics slower, making them more meaningful.
"Is that about me then?" A voice comes from behind me. I spin around and see Simon smiling at me.
"Simon!" I squeal and run over to him, hugging him. I start to cry, overwhelmed with emotion.
"Why are you crying you should be happy" Simon said, squeezing me.
The door swung open and all of the sidemen walked in. When they saw Simon awake they all froze, grins on their faces. When JJ walked in me and Simon both let got of each other.
"I'm sorry I.. Uh... We" Simon stutters obviously struggling with what to say.
"Bro it's okay, I don't mind. I trust you" JJ says smiling at him.
"You...do?" Simon questioned, shocked.
"You literally took a fucking bullet for her!" Jide said, hugging Simon.
"It's so romantic!" Freya said smiling at both of us.
"Not really" Simon mumbles, going red.
"Are you kidding? You got fucking shot, you threw yourself in front a bullet you crazy bastard" Harry shouts at him. We all laugh.
"I won't even take Kay to Westfields" Vik laughs.
"Kay?" Tobi asks, looking over at Vik. Everyone looks at him, waiting for and explanation. Is eyes go wide as he realised what he's just said.
"My girlfriend" Vik mumbles. The whole room erupts.
"Yes then vik!"
"Get in there oioi"
"Viks on the fucking prowl"
"How come Vik has a girlfriend and I don't" JJ moans.
"How long have you been dating?" I ask him.
"Around 6 months" he said grinning.
"You've kept that from us for 6 months you dick" Harry said laughing.

"What's all the noise in here" a nurse comes barging into the room.
"Ah Mr Minter, you're awake! Any pain?" She asks, adjusting his heart monitors and writing things down on her clipboard.
"A lot actually in my right shoulder" Simon says grimacing.
"Don't worry, we shall soon have that sorted out" she smiles at him.

I walk slowly with Simon back to the car. Simon had just been released from hospital after waking up yesterday.
"Guys I can't walk fast you know. Kinda just been released from hospital after being shot. With a gun." Simon shouts to the others, laughing.
"You shouldn't laugh you know, it could've been 10x worse than this" I said to Simon, frowning.
"It was a joke okay, a stupid one I know. But, hey, I'm here now all fine" he says taking my hand.
"I'm glad" I say, smiling up at him.

Very cute ik ik :)
I added in Kay, Viks irl girlfriend, this is what she looks like if you don't know:
She's so pretty :-o

C xox

C xox

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