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"Well, what shall we do then?" Simon asked me. I was sat on his bed watching him edit his newest video, waiting for him to finish editing. All of the others had gone out tonight to a nightclub, Simon stayed back to edit videos and I didn't feel like going.
"I dunno, I don't feel like leaving the house though" I said stretching out on the bed. He flops down next to me.
"How about we order some pizza and watch movies" he suggests, looking over at me.
"Perfect" I say grinning at him. He grins back.

As the doorbell goes off I run to answer it, snatching the pizza and handing the woman the money. I run back to the living room when Simon is sat under the duvet, putting on toy story, one of my favourite movies.
A whole pizza and 3 movies later I was feeling tired, and my head rolled to the side where Simon was.
"Oh shit sorry" I mumble "I'm just really tired"
"It's okay I don't mind" Simon says grinning down to me, as he's a lot taller than me. I put my head back onto Simons shoulder, and feel his arm come down around my shoulders. I tense up, still weary around other males.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you" Simon whispers to me. I fall asleep safely in Simons arms.

"Shh you'll wake them up" Vikk shouts, losing the point of his sentence.
I wake up cuddled with Simon. Our legs are intertwined and I'm lead on his chest, while his arm is around my waist.
"I don't like them hugging" JJ moans, picking me up in his arms. I pretend to be asleep, embarrassed by the attention everyone is giving me.
"Aww I got such a cute picture, I'll tweet that" Tobi says.
Nooo I think, everyone in the fandom will ask questions about who I am, cuddled up with Their precious Simon.
"You should of left her, they were cute" Ethan giggles.
"No I don't like it" JJ says and I can hear the pout on his face. He carrys me up the stairs and put me down into presumably my bed.
"I still think they would make a cute couple" Freya says.
"No!" JJ shouts. Talk about being protective.
Then everyone goes silent, in their own rooms, probably asleep already because their drunk.

I wake up early, well early for me. It was 11:38 and the whole house was silent. Everyone was hungover, from last night. I swung out of bed and headed down to the kitchen, going to grab a pack of paracetamols and bottles of water to leave everyone's bedside table for when they wake up. Hangovers are killers.
"Had the same idea as me then?" I laugh at Simon struggling with a pack of paracetamol and water bottles in his arms. I grab some bottles form Simon and walk up the stairs slowly, so I don't drop anything.
"I'm kind of scared to go in" Simons laughs quietly. It's only Josh and Freya's room let now.
"Oh shit they were both drunk last night, what if they're both naked or something" I laugh.
"Or doing it right now" Simon laughs.
I open my eyes wide and pretend to be sick.
I knock on the door, both me and simon unsure if we should risk going in.
"You go first" I push Simon into the door, the door opens and Simon falls inside the room.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Josh mumbles.
Me and Simon laugh as I walk into the room at Josh's comment.
Freya pulls the cover off her and stands up. Me and Simon both let out a deep breath, thanking the lords they were dressed.
"What?" Freya looks over at us confused.
"Your wearing clothes" I laugh at her.
"Oh" she laughs with me, not embarrassed about what me and Simon were thinking.
"C'mon Josh mate you can do better than that" Simon jokes.
"Fuck off" Josh mumbles while throwing a pillow at Simon.
Me and Simon both laugh as we walk out of the room.

Simons POV
As I'm editing my mind wanders back to last night. Me and Ella watched loads of movies and ate so much pizza, it was so chill and cozy. I swear we both fell asleep on the sofa, I could feel her breathe on my neck and her hand on my chest. But she was gone when I woke up.
I must've dreamt about us cuddling up on the couch falling asleep. I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that this didn't actually happen. I don't know why, but the idea of us cuddling up together sends my stomach in a tight knot.
"Simon!" JJ shouts, snapping me out of my deep thinking. I get up and walk to his room, wondering what he could want.
"Sit down" JJ gestures to his chair.
"I'll get straight to the point, no bullshit. I don't want you getting with Ella. We've seen you with girls mr fuckboy minter. You bang them then leave. I'm not going to let you do that to Ella, she doesn't deserve that" JJ says looking at me.
I just nodded and left. Those other girls, they're just when I'm drunk. When I'm drunk I can't control myself. With Ella it's different. She makes my stomach knot  and butterfly's appear. When I see her my breath hitches at how beautiful she is. Whenever she's around I'm smiling, and when she laugh it lights up my day. Cheesy, I know. But I can't describe it any other way. I sigh to myself knowing that I've just lied to my bestfriend. I won't be able to stay away from Ella.
I don't have feeling for her though.
Now I'm lying to myself.

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