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"You guys stop with all the couple shit, it makes me want to throw up" I said looking over at everyone on the sofas. They were all huddled up under blankets cuddling, and every so often one couple would kiss. I remember doing this before, but I was with Simon, cuddling under blankets with pizza, friends and a movie. I didn't know how lucky I was back then.
"Wanna get under here with me?" Rosie asked Simon, winking at him. No one particularly likes her, but they all stay nice to her while she's living here.
"No thanks" he says to her, making her scowl.
I smiled, knowing she was annoyed.
"The fuck you smiling at Ella?" She sneers at me.
"Nothing" I say defensively. God I hate this woman.
"Just because Simon wouldn't come over here with me? Jealous are you? Wow that's low" she says.
"Why would I be jealous?" I say to her, trying to stay calm.
"Because me and Simon are practically dating" she smiles evilly at me. I look over to Simon who's shaking his head.
"No were n-" Simon starts.
"Shut up" she says to him.
"That desperate are you, throwing yourself at him?" I say, getting annoyed with her.
"You threw yourself at him two, he didn't really love you Ella. That's why he slept with me, without even thinking of you" she smiled smugly at me. Everyone goes silent, and my stomach knots.
"No thats no-" Simon starts again.
"I said shut up!" She hisses at Simon.
"You seem to have bad luck with relationships don't you? There was Simon who didn't actually love you, and cheated on you without hesitation. Then I heard there was another guy? Reece was his name, yeah? He beated you didn't he, treated you badly. You deserve it, every broken bone and bruise. A sket like you deserves that." she hisses at me.
All the anger from the last month or two builds up inside me right then, and I launch myself at her.
I punch her round the face and get her to the floor. She stumbles beneath me, scratching my face and screaming at me. I scratch down her face aswell as pulling her hair.
JJ grabs my waist and pulls me off of her, holding me back from hitting her again.
"That was as unprovoked attack, see guys she's a bitch" Rosie shouts.
"Are you fucking serious? The shit you were saying to her, she done nothing to you" Emily says, defending me.
"She has done things to me! The way she looks at Simon, my boyfriend, like she loves him" she says.
"We're not in a fucking relationship! Your crazy" Simon shouts at her, finally getting to speak.
"Then why did you have sex with me" she smiles smugly at him. He goes silent again, backing up from the fight.

" Rosie I think you should leave" Josh says finally, breaking the silence.
"You're lucky my apartments finished tonight" she hisses at all of us. She walks out the living room, then turns back around.
"You're the biggest bitch I know, and I know a few. You don't deserve anyone" she hisses at me, and then storms out.
Everyone quiet as they look at me, then to Simon.
"I've had enough tonight, I'm going to bed" I sigh leaving the room.

"You still love him, don't you" Freya says as she walks into my room, sitting down on my bed and facing me. I sigh. "Of course I love him. Every time I see him my heart melts, and I feel my stomach tighten. But then I remember what he's done, what he's put me through" I whisper.
"It's okay, everything will sort itself out" Freya says, comforting me.
"Do you think this will ever stop" I ask her, tears in my eyes.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"The pain" I reply, my voice almost a whisper.
"I don't know, I would like to think so though" she says, hugging me.

I don't know if it will stop or not, but if it doesn't I know I won't survive it.

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