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*a couple of days later*

"I'm thinking nice pink bridesmaids dresses" Freya said thoughtfully. Me,Freya, Emily and Kay were all out shopping for the wedding.
"Or we could just go all out and wear rainbow dresses?" Kay suggests.
"Fuck that, what about a nice baby blue" I say pointing to a lovely dress in the shop window.
"That's beautiful" Emily agrees.
"What do you reckon Kay?" Freya asks.
"Kay?" She says again when Kay ignores her.
"Rosie's over there, she's heading this way." Kay says.
"Fuck, shit okay let's just go into the shop, she can't create a scene there can she?" I say them uncertain. Before we even reach the shop, Rosie is by us.
"Hey girls." She smiles a us, a fake but annoyingly cute smile.
"Hey" the others mumble.
"Not gonna say anything then Ella?" She sneers at me.
"Why would I want to speak to you?" I say, instantly snapping.
"I don't understand why you hate me so much Ella, we could be best friends" she says to me, smiling a sickening smile.
"You fucking know why I hate you! You made my boyfriend sleep with you!" I say to her, trying to keep calm.
"You're right, I did make him. He didn't want to." She says.
"What? That doesn't make any sense! If he didn't want to he could've easily walked out of that room, I mean he was drunk but-"
"Drunk? He wasn't only drunk babe, he was drugged."

"What, what did you say?" I mumble. My body seems to have froze, yet my mind is working overtime trying to forgive out what Rosie had just said.
"I slipped a drug in his beer didn't I, he was completely out of it" she smirked. I looked around to the other girls, who looked equally as shocked.
"Why would you do that?" I mumble, feeling sick.
"I need money, and the best way to get money is to get with someone who has money. Simple. I knew that Simon would never cheat on you, he fucking adores you. Not sure why.
Anyway, I drugged his drink, then he was completely out of it. He kept calling me Ella, and I knew that he was vulnerable. I took him into the bedroom and magic happened. He didn't try to stop it because he thought I was you because he was so drugged up.
Then I told him my apartment had flooded a couple of days later, the lies were easy. I blackmailed him, saying I would tell his fans what he really was; a cheater." She laughed.
"That isn't even funny? Why the fuck are you laughing? You took advantage of him, you fucking drugged him!" I shout.
"The funniest part was his face in the morning, when he saw me in bed with him. He was nearly crying!" She laughed again.
"You're such a bitch, I can't believe you've even done this! You've literally ruined mine and Simons relationship. You have something wrong with your head, you wanker" I scream at her.
"And there's no point running off to Simon now, he's gone half way around the world" she smiles.
"What?" Me and the girls all say, freezing.
"I've convinced Simon to go away because of what's been happening. He's has the tickets booked for a couple of weeks now. His flight is soon actually, he's going to Canada. I don't think he's coming back either" she smiles bitchily at us.
Me and the girls run back to the car. We need to make it to Simon before he leaves, we can't let him leave.

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