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"Guys I need to tell you something" Simon shouts up the stairs. I ignore him, to embarrassed about what happened last night to face anyone.
"That means you aswell Ella" Josh says, knocking on my door. I sigh and follow them all down into the kitchen.
"So how was your night last night Ella?" Vik asks, laughing.
"Fuck off Vikram" I moan, sitting down with the others.
As Simon walks in, I put my head down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. I haven't spoke to him that night, last night doesn't really count. I know if I look over at him I will start to cry.
Everytime I see him, I act like I don't care, Like I'm over him.
I tell myself I hate him but deep inside I know that I still love him. 

"So I wanted you all to know that I told Rosie she could live here for a month or so, as her apartments flooded and it's going to take a while for it to clear out" he says, looking around at all of us. I look down at the table, feeling deflated.
"Are you fucking serious" JJ says to him, angry.
"None of us like Rosie, after what she did to you, she's a huge bitch Simon, and you know that. Why are you even staying with her, being nice to her?" Josh says disapprovingly.
"Because I'm kind, she needs somewhere to live" Simon says awkwardly.
"Kind. Did you just say your kind? Tell that to Ella! Your a fucking bellend Simon." JJ says, getting angry.
"I guess we can't undo what Simons done, she's going to have to stay here" Freya sighs as Simon walks out the room. I'm still staring down at the table, my eyes watering.
"This must be so hard for you, I'm so sorry" Freya says looking at my sympathetically.
"I know" is all I say, then walk up to my bedroom, finally letting the tears fall.

"She's here guys, be nice" Simon says rushing to the door to led Rosie in. I was sat in the living room with the others, playing Fifa.
"Fuck that shit" I mumbled, and the others looked at me. Sympathetic look. Who wouldn't feel sorry for me at this moment? My ex boyfriend who I dated for over a year cheated on me with his ex who fucked him around, then 2 weeks later decided she's going to live with us for a while. Even I felt sorry for myself at the moment.

"Hey guys, long time no see" a beautiful blonde woman walked in. She was curvy in all the right places, had beautiful brown eyes and long blonde hair. No wonder Simon liked her more than me.

"Hey Rosie" everyone mumbled, everyone but me

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"Hey Rosie" everyone mumbled, everyone but me.
"And you are" she asked me, raising her eyebrows.
"That's Ella, my bestfriend" JJ said protectively.
"Can't speak for yourself can you? You a retard?" She sneered at me.
"No" I hated her already. She was extremely bitchy.
"So where shall I put all my stuff si? Am I sleeping in your room?" She asked. I cringed when she called him si, that's what I would usually call him.
"Um no actually. I was meaning to ask Ella if you could have her room while you're here." He said looking over at me. It was the first time in 2 weeks he actually made eye contact with him. Seeing him focus on me, his eyes on me, made my insides melt.
Damn you Minter, making me fall in love with you.
I didn't really want to give her my room, but it was so much better than her sharing with Simon.
"Sure, but where would I stay?" I sighed, looking over to him but not making eye contact. Any more eye contact from this boy and I'll either cry or kiss him.
"Well you could go in JJ's room?" He said to me and JJ. I looked over at JJ who nodded to me.
"So where the fuck am I staying then?" Rosie moaned, getting impatient.
"Ella's room, not mine" Simon says, pointing which was to go.
"Fine" she huffs, making her way up the stairs. She was obviously planning on staying in Simons room. I smirked, knowing she was annoyed.

"So what's you deal with Simon then?" Rosie asked me bluntly. It was a couple of hours later, and I was alone in the kitchen.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I see the way you look at him, back the fuck off, he's mine. If you even talk to him I will fucking get you." She sneered at me.
"He is not yours" I whispered.
"Then why'd he choose me over you?" She smiled evilly at me. She had hit me straight in the heart there. I walked off, while she just smiled and waved me off.
I really wasn't going to get on with this motherfucker.
Nearly 400 reads, tanks so much!
Lots of drama coming soon, watch out ;)
Also, don't be silent readers! Comment and tell me your opinions or anything, I love reading through them❤️ (if I get any lol)

C xox

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