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"Lift up your top then" I say to Simon
"Bit cheeky today are you then?" Simon winks at me.
"No you idiot for your cream" I say, rolling my eyes at him.
"I know I'm just teasing" Simon laughs, lifting his top off. As he does so my breathe hitches, seeing his muscles on his stomach and just him in general really. Even though I've been doing this twice a day for a week, it always has the same effect on me. I sigh as I unwrap his wound, inspecting it. I traced the wound with my finger, making sure not to apply to much pressure. It looked so sore and red, so painful.
I sighed as I looked up at him.
"You didn't have to do it you know" I say looking into his eyes.
"I wanted to, it was instinct I guess" Simon smiled at me, shrugging.
"We've only known eachother like 6 months and you took a bullet for Me" I say.
"But you can have a big impact on someone during 6 months" Simon smiled at me. I went on my tiptoes, putting my arm around Simons neck and kissed him softly, briefly.

Our moment was ruined by all the other sidemen running into the kitchen with nerf guns, shooting anywhere and everyone.
"Mind his chest guys!" I shout at them. The nerf bullets hurt when the hit your normal skin, let alone skin that's still very sore and in pain.
"Why are you so protective?" JJ laughs, teasing me.
"Says you, wanker!" I shout at him, grabbing a nerf gun from Harry who had two and running after him.
We all run into the garden, except Simon who isn't really well enough to run around.
"Behind you!" Simon shouts from the window, laughing at all of us running around the garden. I turn around to see Ethan and Tobi running towards me with a huge bucket of water.
"Fuck off!" I scream, running away. Harry scoops me up onto his shoulders, running faster than I did.
"Yess! Take that bitches" I scream at them. They see that they're not going to catch me now and then turn towards Josh, pouring he whole bucket of water over his head before job even had time to react.
Everyone laughed, except for Josh, who was stood there soaking wet.
"Fuck sake" he moaned, but started laughing.

"How about a movie night? Freya suggests while everyone was lounging around on the sofas.
"Yes! We can order pizza and have duvets and watch Disney!" I scream jumping up to high five Freya.
"Is that all girls want? Pizza, duvets and Disney movies?" Tobi asks
"I think we have have found the secret way to a girls heart lads" Harry says, jokingly.
"No but seriously, girls love it, all girls do trust me. It's the perfect date" Freya says and I just nod in agreement.
"So I don't have to take you to all these fancy dinner places then?" Josh says to Freya.
"Oh no that's good to do as well, don't stop doing that" Freya says seriously. Everyone laughs.
"Can I invite Kay?" Vik asks the group.
"Yes Invite her! Me and Freya want to meet her so bad" i shout at Vik, while Freya just nods.
"Your so shouty today what's wrong with you?" Simon laughs. I narrow my eyes at him.
"Don't be mean, Minter" I say, trying to keep a straight face.

The doorbell goes off and we all watch Vik as he goes off to answer it.
"I'm actually excited to meet her" Freya says.
"She can join our girl squad" I say high giving her again
Vik walks in with a extremely pretty girl, who looks at all of us shyly.
"Hey I'm Kay" she says smiling at us shyly.
Everyone introduced themselves to her.
"How long until the pizzas here?" I ask Simon.
"Around half an hour"
"Great, Kay you can come with us" Freya says jumping up, and pulling Kay along with her.
"Don't scare her fray, you've only just met her" Josh shouts to Freya.
"And be careful They both bite" JJ shouts to Kay, who laughs.

"Don't come in the kitchen" I shout to the boys, who are in the living room.
"Why not" Josh questions
"We're talking about girl stuff like periods and giving birth" Freya shouts back
"And Zac Efron" I shout
"Oh yeah Zac is fit" Freya says
"And Leonardo Dicaprio in the titanic" Kay shouts
"Oh my god yes oh my god he's so fit though" Freya shouts
"Okay guys lets stop this before Freya starts to have a orgasm" I shout to the boys and everyone laughs.

"I'm so glad you two are here, I was so worried that it was going to be so awkward, being the only girl" Kay says smiling at me and Freya.
"We're glad your here too, there's so many boys and only two of us. Well three now, you can joint out little gang" I laugh. We sat in the kitchen for a while, just chatting.

"Kay completed the ritual to join our gang yeah buddy" I shout as we walk back into the living room. There was no ritual of course, I was just winding them up.
"What was the ritual?"  Vik asks Kay. Before she could say anything Freya interrupts.
"Pubes. It involves pubes. That's all you need to know" she said keeping a straight face. Me and Kay also keep a straight face as the boys stare at us in horror.
"Did you have some sort or fucking orgy? Why didn't you tell us, I would watch that" Harry says. Josh whacks him as he's sat next to him.
"Oi, that's my girl, watch what your saying" Josh says cuddling up to Freya.
"But you would watch it though would you?You wouldn't just ignore it!" Harry says.
Vik throws Harry a dirty look.
"Watch it" Simon warns.
"You guys don't even go out though" Harry laughs.
"Yet" Simon whispers into my ear. I had joined Simon on the small couch, and was cuddled up to him, we had the blanket around us and a box of pizza balancing on my lap. JJ, Tobi and Ethan were all on the larger couch, Vik and Kay were cuddled up on the other small couch, Harry was on a bean bag and Josh and Freya were cuddled up on the floor with duvets.
"What is it with couples and duvets?" Tobi asked
"It's just cozy and nice" Vik replied.
"I bet that the girls are just wanking of the boys under there" JJ said thoughtfully. Me, Kay and Freya all laugh.
"They wish" Freya laughs.

"Guys can we put on the lion king on now?" Ethan asks
"I love the lion king" Kay said excitedly, snuggling into Vik.
"I bet all three girls will cry when the dad dies" Harry whispers to JJ, Tobi and Ethan.
"Definitely" they all agree.
By the time the dad had died, me, Freya and Kay were all in tears.
"That's not fair he shouldn't die" I moan
"This but always makes me cry" Freya says wiping a tear off her face.

By the end of the movie everyone was nearly asleep, we had waited so long to watch the movie because we were talking and now it was 2 am.
I snuggled into Simons good side, making sure not to hurt his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and we both fell asleep in seconds. It was the first night that me and Simon fell asleep cuddled up, and no one has lifted me away from him.

A more relaxed chapter here, literally just filled with banter and friendship XD
I wanted to show that Freya and Ella were very good friends, and that Kay was going to join them, and just show the friendship between everyone. :)
Leave comments please! <3

C xox

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