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As soon as we turned the corner JJ looked over at me, concern, confusion and guilt across his face.
"What happened Ella Bella" he sighed at me, grasping my hand.
"I really don't fancy talking and explaining everything now, I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow" I sighed looking at the time. It was 3am and I was exhausted; physically and mentally.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" JJ asked me.
"Um no, I haven't really thought this far. I didn't even think i would get out of that fucking place" I admitted.
"Well we have a spare room, I've checked with the boys and they said it's fine if you stay" JJ said grinning at me.
"That's awesome thank you so much, but who are the boys?" I asked.
"You know Simon, Josh and Vikk? We're the sidemen" JJ stated looking at me.
"The sidemen?" I questioned.
"Wow you have a lot of catching up to do" JJ sighed.

We pulled up to a huge house, and I gaped at it in shock when we parked on the driveway.
"Fuck off you don't live here" I asked JJ
"Yep, YouTube gives a generous amont of money you know" JJ laughs.
"But you only have like 2,000 subscribers" I questioned. He laughs, a long, loud laugh.

"Honey that was three years ago. I have 14 million subscribers" he says grinning at me. I stop dead in my tracks.
"Actually fuck off, there's no way" I gasp. JJ just grins at me, opening the front door.
(I don't know if this actually how fast his channel grew but just go with it, okay?)

I am greeted with the sounds of 2 or 3 men screaming and shouting. I stare at JJ, wondering why he's not worried yet.
"This is the normal in this house. Our sleeping patterns are fucked, so we basically sleep all day and record all night" JJ says leading me up to my room.
"Oh, so everyone else are youtubers too?" I ask
"Yep" he says popping the p.

As we walk into my room I stop suddenly and hug JJ and in return he hugs me back.
"Thank you for everything" I say
"Anytime" he whispers, leaving the room.

I wake up and hear people downstairs, talking and moving around. I look around in confusion. This wasn't my room, where was I?
A smile crept along my face as I realised that I was safe, with JJ.

I looked in the mirror and put my hair in a messy bun, putting on some light grey joggers and a white jumper, making sure I hid all the bruises along my arms and legs. I stared at my black eye and the now scar along my cheek. I didn't want to scare the other boys by showing them my injuries yet, I didn't want their sympathy. I sat down in front the mirror with my makeup, ready to cover it.
'This is gonna take fucking ages' I sigh to myself.

I stared in the mirror at my face, now free of any injuries. Perfect.
I headed downstairs into the kitchen, where I could hear where JJ was laughing. I was nervous to meet the other 3 guys, last night they seemed so loud and rough. They might be horrible to me, not wanting me here.
Thousands of 'what ifs' swirled around my head, making me more and more anxious to meet the guys. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen.

All of my worries disappeared when I walked into the kitchen, greeted by 4 smiling males.
"Your Ella right?" the tall blonde one said to me.
"Yeah that's me" I said walking over to JJ. He squeezed my hand with his, knowing I was shy around new people.
"Well I'm Simon" he grinned
"I'm Josh" the bearded one said
"I'm Vik" the smallest of them all said.
I shyly smiled at them.
"Nice to meet you guys, thank you for letting me stay here for a while"

"It's okay, a friend of JJ's is a friend of ours" Vik grinned at me
"We've heard a lot about you, you're very special to JJ" Josh stated. I smiled up at JJ, who was busy eating his cereal.
"What?" He asked, realising that everyone was staring at him. Me, Josh, Simon and Vik all laughed at him.
I liked these 3 already, I think I'm going to enjoy it here.

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