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I spent the day with Tobi over at his flat. I needed to get out the house for a bit. The tension between JJ and Simon was practically visible.
"I heard about what happened, I'm very sorry about that. It must be hard, your boyfriend and  bestfriend fighting" he sad sadly.
"Simon isn't my boyfriend" I sigh

As soon as I get back from Tobi's walk into the kitchen I felt something was wrong. Freya and Josh were sat there eating pizza. They both gave me sympathetic looks. I heard shouting from upstairs. Simon and JJ.
"Again?" I moan
"They've been at it all day" Freya sighs.
"Why can't they get on?" I moan again.
"Because they both want what's best for you, but they have two different ideas" Vik said walking into the kitchen.
"I know what's best for me" I mumble.
"And what's that?" Freya asks
"Pizza" I grin and snatch a big piece off her plate.
"Bitch" she laughs along with Vik and Josh.
"That was good" Josh laughs.

I wake up with a start, panting. I had another awful dream about Reece. I wish I could go and see Simon right now, but I would end up falling asleep in there and JJ would be mad. I tiptoe out of bed to go get a drink, wanting to calm myself down. As I go to walk downstairs someone catches my eye. I peer at them, trying to work out who it is from the back of their head.
My breath hitches as I realise it's my ex.
It's Reece.
My heart beats as i tiptoe towards Simons room. I open the door quietly and walk towards Simons bed. I shake him, desperately trying to wake him.
"What?" He grumbles.
"Simon this is fucking serious. Reece is downstairs" I whisper, my voice shaking. Simon instantly sits up, looking at me.
"Are you sure?" He asks
"How do you know?" He whispers.
"He has a gun" I whimper.
"We need to get everyone into JJ's room, it the only way out through the window, we need to leave." Simon says, starting to panic a bit.
"I'll text Freya, hopefully she sees the message" I whisper.
"I'll message Vik" Simon whispers

Me and Simon slowly walk to JJ's room.  I can hear Reece walking around downstairs.
As soon as we reach JJ's room I'm bombarded with questions.
"How do you know it's him?" Josh asks. His hand is around Freya's, tightly.
"He has a gun" I say, shaking.
"And he won't be afraid to use it" JJ says.
"We need to get everyone out the window and into the garden, then we can go through the back gate."
"Freya call the police" JJ instructs.
JJ was trying to prise the window open, when everyone heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Hide the girls!" Josh whispers urgently. Me and Freya are pushed into JJ's wardrobe, while JJ stood in front of it. The door suddenly burst open with a loud bang.
"This is were you're all hiding" Reece sneers "now where is the girl" he shouts.
"Not here" JJ says bluntly.
Hello how may we help you? A voice comes through Freya's phone, breaking the silence.
"The wardrobe ay?" Reece says and I can almost hear him grinning at them evily.
I look over at Freya in horror, and she has the same look on her face. I can feel her shaking beside me. I grab her hand.
"We're going to be okay?" I whisper meaning to be reassuring, but it sounded like a question.
"Move out the fucking way, let me get to the wardrobe" Reece sneers again.
"No" JJ replays again. The other boys are silent.
Through the small gap I see Reece pounce on JJ, and Simon and Josh rush forward. Vik is in the corner still subtly prising the window open. I smile at viks plan.

The wardrobe doors are suddenly ripped open, and someone grabs my hair and pulls me toward them. I struggle to get out of Reece's grasp, but he punches me right in the stomach, making me double over. I see both simon and JJ's eyes blaze with fury. In the corner I can see Vik and Freya climbing out the window, which ends on the roof of the porch.
"Look after her" I hear Josh whisper to vik, and then Vik goes out of view, safe out the house.
"Let go of her" Simon shouts, running up to Reece with anger. Reece quickly pulls out the gun from his pocket, holding it to my head. My heart beats faster than it ever has.
"If any of you three even move in going to shoot her, and you know I won't hesitate" he hisses at them. All of them freeze, the fear in their eyes evident.
I breathe heavily, the whole room silent.
I swiftly lift my knee up with all my force, aiming it directly at Reece's balls. He doubles over.
"You bitch!" He shouts.
"The window!" JJ shouts. I run as fast I can to the window where Josh was. He picked me up and put me up onto the window ledge.
"Stop!" I hear Jj shout. I'm sat in the window ledge, one jump away from safety. I look over and see Reece holding his gun, directing it at me.
I see Simons hand move, signalling for me to move, to jump. I move slightly to the right, nearly the other side of the window. That's enough for Reece to get even more angry, I see his hand move, pulling the trigger. A loud bang ripples through my ears and I hear Freya scream outside.
I try to jump down but my foot is stuck on the window ledge. I brace myself, knowing that the bullet is going to hit me.
Everything seems to be in slow motion.
I look over to Simon, who's eyes are filled with horror, then determination. He runs towards me, leaping in front of me. Simons body jolts, and a loud moan of pain ripples throughout the air. Sirens are heard from outside, and Reece runs from the room. As I look down toward Simon, I let out a sob. He's lead on the floor, holding his shoulder. His hand and the floor around him are covered in red. Blood. I look up at JJ and Josh who are running towards Simon, tears in their eyes.
"Simon can you hear us?" I sob out, my vision is hazy from the tears.
"Yeah" his voice sounds weak. I sob loudly, realising Simon just risked his own life, to save mine.
I love you Simon Minter.

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