Thank You

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Just wow.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. That is seriously all I can say.

This book has come to end. That makes part of me sad. I've devoted so much time and effort and sleep and heart into creating the wonderful story of Grace and Isaac. This was my favorite thing I have ever written and every day I would get excited to write more. So the other part of me is just happy. I am content with what I have produced, and over-filled with joy for seeing people that love it.

Thank you to Molly, iwatobi-gay-club , who has been such a loyal and loving friend to me since 2014. You mean so much to me, thank you for always being my biggest fan. You make me laugh and piss my pants of laughter. (Okay, maybe not literally, but it does make my chest hurt afterwards.) You've supported me through literally everything I do, and I couldn't be more grateful.

Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on this story. Seeing those notifications on my screen make me so giddy and excited. Just knowing someone liked what I wrote makes me immensely happy, and the comments make me even happier. I always have so much fun reading them, and although I try to be cool, I internally do a happy dance. Y'all are the reason I keep writing.

Thank you to the silent readers too! Yes, I see you, and yes, I appreciate you. Whether it's seeing someone added my story to their list, or just seeing the read number go up brings me so much joy. It is such a good feeling to know that someone is interested in what goes on inside my head.

Writing just makes me so happy, it's impossible to put into words. (Ironically) And the people I have met through Wattpad are such blessings to my life. I thank God so much for this place.

And yes, there is more coming from me and my crazy, insane brain! Look at the next part to see what I will soon start working on. :)

I hope you all enjoyed Tattooed Heart as much as I did.

Thank you.


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