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The pen in his hand quickly glided over the once-blank page, filling it with black-inked words. Once the page was halfway full of words, he set the pen down and lifted the paper up to meet his gaze. He read over the words he wrote down, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. He had been working on perfecting the main character and his love interest, but it was becoming too exhausting for him. Two and a half hours spent on working on the romantic part of the story, only for nothing decent enough to come to mind.

Jungkook had written multiple books in his lifetime, none of which involved romance. He wasn't an expert on it and had absolutely no clue on how it all worked, but he figured he read enough teen love stories to get the gist of it down. Most of the books he created were mystery or humorous without any defined romance between characters - although fans of the books would often pair two characters up together - making the romance part of his writing even more difficult. It also didn't help that he couldn't come up with more than female character, since he spent most of his time avoiding girls.

The brunette wasn't exactly hateful towards women, but he simply didn't like them. Most women he would acquaint himself with were either extremely provocative or too awkward around him, being he did have good looks and all. That being said, the female character he created as the main character's love interest was a bit more tomboy-ish and relatable to him, himself. He actually enjoyed creating up her character, but whenever he tried to add another female character to take a larger part of the story, he drew a blank. He didn't want to add two tomboy females, so he stuck with the lead female and background females that he described as 'extremely girly.'

Jungkook huffed in annoyance as he crumpled up the piece of paper with the words written on it and tossed it behind him, hoping it landed in the trash - if it didn't he would just have to pick it up later. He crossed his arms on the desk and laid his chin on his arm, a small sigh heaving past his lips. He was exhausted, tired and overall upset that he couldn't finish even the beginning of the romance between the two.

"Romance shouldn't be this hard," the boy groaned aloud, closing his eyes as he put all of his weight on his folded arms. "I've read enough romance stories, but I just can't seem to get the two characters in love. My side characters seemed to be easy having them get together, but I can't even make the main two fall in love. Is it because I've never been in love?"

Jungkook pondered on the thought that his poor romance writing skills came form his lack of knowledge in the love department. It was true, that being one of the biggest parts, but he had never really written anything with a male and a female as main characters, so he didn't quite know how to make them love each other. The side characters in the story were easy to pair up another with, mainly because the rest of the characters were males. 

All the brunette really knew were males so he found it easier to pair two males up together. If that didn't tell you anything about the brunette, then nothing else would. He hadn't exactly been the type of person to do relationships, so he didn't quite know where he stood on the spectrum. All he knew is that he enjoyed pairing two males up together.

"I'm not bad at pairing people together, even when not in my stories so why can't I pair these two together?" The brunette snuggled his head into his arms as he began to doze off from exhaustion. "It would be so much easier for me to get them together if I actually knew them."

As badly as the brunette wanted to continue working on getting the two main characters together, he was too tired and exhausted to do so. He could barely keep his eyes open and his creative mind never worked when he wasn't fully awake and ready to write. But, he didn't want to give up just yet. He decided to give his writing one last go before he would go to sleep, since it was pretty late.

Jungkook re-opened his eyes and sat up, a small yawn escaping past his lips. He grabbed the pen that he sat down from before and began to let the object wander on its own, every little thought and word that came into his mind being written down on the blank sheet of paper. Although his mind wasn't at full attention and he was barely awake, himself, at the moment, he was able to write the longest romance part he had throughout the two hours. 

When he was finished, he set the pen down on the desk, not bothering to look at what he had written just yet. His mind was too hazy from the lack of sleep and his exhaustion was on the verge of making him faint right then and there, so he figured he would read what was written in the morning. He didn't have high hopes for the page, but he didn't want to get rid of it without even glancing at the words.

The brunette stood up from his chair and pushed it back in, so it wasn't out for him to trip somewhere. He stretched his arms high above his head before turning around to throw the scraps of paper that littered the floor. Not one of the discarded papers found their way into the trash, which the brunette was amused by, because each of the crumpled up papers were garbage and deserved to be in the trash.

He bent down and picked a large amount of the crumpled up papers and tossed them in the trash, doing the same thing for the rest of the papers. Once he was completely done with picking up his mess, he stood up and glanced over at his alarm clock, which read the numbers '4:56 am.' He had spent almost twenty-four hours awake that day, most of which was dedicated to writing his story. That is, until he got stuck on the romance part which took over two hours in itself.

"Alright, Jungkook, you need to get some rest. You have another busy day of writing tomorrow, plus you promised Yugyeom you would visit him at work tomorrow," the brunette continued speaking to himself as he turned to face his bed. "God I really need some friends, I spend my time talking to myself more than I should."

Jungkook groaned aloud as he flopped down onto his bed, not bothering to cover himself up with the comforter. He had been in pajamas all day, since he never left his house, so he wasn't too pressured on changing. He grabbed tightly onto his pillow, bringing it to his chest as he quickly drifted off to sleep.

+ note ; it all gets interesting next chapter, but the ships chosen for this story go as named; 

namjin + yoonmin ft. kaeseok since it is needed for plot purposes, which you can tell by this first chapter.

bless for yoonmin bc i really didn't wanna write yoonseok [ everyone who knows me knows i don't like it one bit ] although i would've to please the readers.

but look at taekook at isac, bless.

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