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The group of three that had somehow managed to get Hoseok to give Kaesi a chance, had been planning the rest of the day as to what they were going to do for the date. Jungkook - whom everyone already knew wasn't the greatest at romance - was confused the entire time as Jimin and Taehyung began talking with Hoseok about all of the things that should be done for a date.

Jimin had informed Seokjin about the date earlier, who was quick to take action and help out, while keeping the secret from the redheaded girl. All was basically set in stone of the central idea for the date, the only thing that needed to be done was buying the things needed and setting it up when the day came. That of course, wasn't for another two weeks.

Why the long wait for a simple date? Jungkook had been trying to process that question through that mind multiple times, but since he wasn't an expert with love and romance, he decided not to question what Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Seokjin had planned on - of course, Hoseok didn't have much to say about the date and the setup for it, since he wasn't really excited for it.

It wasn't that he disliked Kaesi or anything, they were just such good friends he found it nearly impossible to grow any feelings for the redheaded girl. And every time it was mentioned about her feelings for him, he felt bad because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt one of his closest friends. That's something Hoseok absolutely hated - hurting people he cared about.

"Alright guys, are you ready to go now?" Taehyung asked as he propped his chin onto Jungkook's thigh. Everyone - that was involved with the date set-up - had been in the brunette's room, discussing their plans for the date and what they were going to get accomplished for the day.

Jungkook shrugged, focusing his gaze on the others to see if there were ready. Of course the brunette was as ready as he would ever be because he's never actually planned a date and was partially excited to see how it would turn out. The others seemed a lot more ecstatic about the date; the pinkette was even bouncing on the heels of his feet in excitement.

"Well, let's get going then!" Taehyung cheerfully spoke, immediately sitting in an up-right position. He stood up from the brunette's bed and wrapped one of his around the younger boy's arm, dragging him out of the room with him.

The rest of the small group followed behind, some more excited than others about the day ahead of them. While Seokjin was all bubbly and excited, Hoseok seemed to have a faint frown painted on his lips. He wasn't upset about the whole date thing; he just didn't want to lead the girl on when he already knew his own feelings and his stance on everything, and they weren't going to change.

Upon reaching the front door, Taehyung let go of Jungkook's arm to open the door and allow everyone to exit the house. Thankfully, Kaesi had been too into her video game to notice the group of five that were making a not-so-quiet escape out of the front door. Namjoon and Yoongi had been in on the whole 'date' thing as well, their job being to keep an eye on the redhead and make sure she doesn't start getting curious as to where everyone else had gone - although it seemed she wasn't going to be asking any time soon.

Jungkook was rushed out of the door with the rest of the group behind him, Seokjin with his keys in hand. The last one out of the small house closed the door while the others headed towards the car that the pinkette unlocked not so long ago. The group piled into the car; Jungkook sitting in the back between Taehyung and Jimin while Hoseok was seated shotgun next to Seokjin.

"Okay, so what exactly are we going to get for the date today?" Seokjin asked as he put the key in the ignition and twisted it, turning the engine on. "I personally think we should get the simple decor first, the clothes next and then who knows from then on," the pinkette spoke as he pulled out of the driveway and down the street.

Jungkook nodded his head, agreeing with what the eldest of the group said. Being the eldest of the group, the brunette was positive that Seokjin knew exactly what he was talking about and knew exactly what to do when it came to relationships - especially since he had been in a relationship longer than anyone else in the car. By that, he means longer than Jimin.

"We can't get the clothes today, Seokjinnie hyung," Taehyung spoke up, leaning his body forward so his chin was rested atop of the driver's side seat. "To get the clothes, we need Kaesi with us. She can pick out her own clothes since she knows her own style," the blonde turned his head to the side so he was looking at the brunette, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Don't you agree, Jungkookie?"

The brunette shrugged his shoulders, completely overlooking the fact the blonde just called him Jungkookie again. "It does make more sense for her to get her own outfit; you could all use some better clothes, actually," the brunette pressed on, leaning all the way back in the seat he was sitting in.

"I agree," the silver haired boy finally spoke up, "And who knows? Maybe she'll get an outfit that's different from her normal style. It's always great to adapt to change, yes?"

The rest of the group - excluding Jungkook, whom was terribly confused at what the silver haired boy meant - nodded their heads in agreement to what Jimin said. After that, a silence fell over the group. It wasn't a comfortable silence or an awkward / uncomfortable silence but just a simple silence; a silence that was confusing the youngest. 

Jungkook couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but something about what the silver haired boy said had struck his mind and left him thinking. It's always great to adapt to change, yes? - something about that question left the brunette confused and wondering what the older boy meant. It seemed to have a hidden, deeper meaning than what Jimin was actually saying, but Jungkook couldn't pinpoint exactly what the silver haired boy meant. There was something behind those words; something a lot more meaningful and Jungkook wasn't so sure it had to do with Hoseok and Kaesi.

What was Jimin talking about?

+ note ; ohohohoh foreshadowing. got anymore theories?

but for real, this story is moving a slowish pace but the next chapter should be better - i don't know if ill add them looking at the party store or just make a filler to summarize or just completely summarize a bit then change to the next day. either way, it's gonna be an awkward-kinda next few chapters.

and yes, this story ends shortly after the kaeseok date, but there's a good reason to that. ya'll ain't expecting it, but gosh darn im so excited for the end.

[ would you guys want me to do a q&a with the characters since this is the tenth part? or wait longer? ]

ps, here's kya with purple hair

ps, here's kya with purple hair

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[ gummy smile bye ]

this is a better pic of the purple heh

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this is a better pic of the purple heh

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