twenty six.

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+ note ; kya doesn’t want to be that author, but please comment more with this story; i want feedback on paragraphs and it makes me feel better knowing you guys are getting into the story and enjoy reading it as i enjoy writing it. so, please? this isn’t about wanting more comments or something like that, its just that i want to be a published author one day and i need as much feedback on certain things as possible. thank you for listening, sorry if i sounded selfish.

Four Days Until The Kaeseok Date

Things don’t always turn out as they seemed; that’s probably why Jungkook was confused when he woke the next morning to see Hoseok and Kaesi acting as if nothing happened the night before. The duo were just playing video games in the living room, them acting as if the redhead hadn’t kissed the ginger’s cheek last night. No awkward aura was sensed between the two, either. Everything seemed fine, as if they completely forgot about it and ignored it.

Jungkook, being confused with the two’s actions, decided not to say anything to them, in case it were to make things worse. As long as they were getting along and completely fine, then the brunette wouldn’t intervene. And as things seemed to go, there wasn’t going to be a need where he had to intervene in the situation. Everything seemed completely okay, but that confused the brunette.

“Good morning, Jungkook-ah,” Hoseok greeted the younger upon noticing his presence. “Kaesi made us cinnamon rolls, so if you’d like one they’re still warm,” the ginger let go of the controller with his left hand, his finger pointing in the direction of the kitchen before grasping onto the device once again.

The brunette nodded his head as a small yawn erupted from him. He turned his body towards the kitchen and began walking towards it, the sweet scent of cinnamon filling his nose the closer he got. When the brunette entered the kitchen, surely enough there was a plate left out on the counter with three cinnamon rolls left on it. Smiling to himself, the brunette grabbed one of the sweets off of the plate before taking a small bite of it.

The cinnamon roll was still warm indeed, as the ginger had mentioned earlier. Jungkook turned his body around so he was able to look at the video game playing duo through one of the small windows that allowed you to see from the kitchen into the living room and from the living room into the kitchen. The duo seemed perfectly okay as they continued on with their game, just quiet chatting every now and then, with the redhead laughing at something the ginger would say. Nothing seemed out of place; it seemed like everything was okay.

Something about the whole situation seemed off to the brunette, though. How could they go from awkward messes the night before to acting as if nothing happened. Unless something major happened between the two after everyone went to sleep, something that the brunette and none of the others knew about. After all, the two did seem a lot closer than before and that was strange to the brunette; how can two people go from acting awkward around the other, to completely comfortable with each other?

Something about it didn’t seem right, but Jungkook buried that doubt to the back of his mind and focused more on the fact that they were getting along and acting closer than that had before.

“Good morning, Jungkookie,” the blonde mumbled as he walked into the kitchen. Taehyung was using the back of his to wipe away his tired eyes, the brunette’s sweatshirt still being worn by the elder. The blonde walked over to the brunette, wrapping his arms around his waist as he laid his head on the younger’s chest, a small humming coming from content blonde. “Something smells good.”

Jungkook smiled down at the blonde, reaching his free arm up to wrap around the blonde’s shoulders, holding him tightly against his chest. Taehyung let out a content sigh, the feeling of being close to the brunette the only thing the blonde could ever ask for. The younger gave a sort of comfort to Taehyung, a sort of comfort he wouldn’t have been able to feel if it weren’t for meeting the brunette.

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